What physical problems Does Jerry experience?

What physical problems Does Jerry experience?

Physically, what Jerry is attempting to do is difficult. He has to condition himself to hold his breath for increasingly longer periods of time underwater. It causes him physical pain, and he experiences nosebleeds, weakness, headaches, and dizziness.

Why is it so important to Jerry to be with the boys on the wild beach What significant details does the author provide to help us understand Jerry’s feelings about the boys?

Jerry wants to strike out on his own and join in with the other boys as proof that he is old enough to be safe without his mother. When Jerry reaches the rocks, he notices that there is an “edge of white surf” and the shining movement of water over white sand. Beyond this is the deep blue of the ocean.

Which of the following is a character trait of Jerry in through the tunnel?

stubborn. These are character traits of jerry in “Through the tunnel.” Thank you for posting your question.

What is the significance of Jerry’s being referred to as the English boy in through the tunnel?

The question is asked from the story Through the Tunnel which is written by the story writer Doris Lessing. He addresses Jerry as the “English Boy”, to give him identification of belonging from opposite country. He is called as the “English Boy” because he tries to fit himself in some situation that is not for him.

What do the boys represent to Jerry?

The older boys, to Jerry, seem like “men,” and they represent his desire to grow up.

What is the significance of Jerry?

It lets the audience know that Jerry is in a foreign place. Because Jerry is an attorney, he is used to formulating replies to a speaker’s comments before they are done, and he is always ready to debate a speaker’s point.

What is the most representative of a feeling of safety and security for Jerry?

Answer. In the short story, “Through the Tunnel,” by Doris Lessing, his mother is the best representative of a feeling of safety and security for Jerry. The author refers to Jerry’s mother as the one place that is “safe in the sun on her beach”, because the other part of the beach is dangerous.

Why doesn’t Jerry care about going back to swim in the bay at the end of the story?

The final words in the story best summarise why Jerry did not challenge his mother’s instruction that he should not go swimming any more that day: It was no longer of the least importance to go to the bay. The reason for this is that he had just gone through an extremely difficult trial that he had put himself through.

What does the big beach symbolize for Jerry?

What does the big beach symbolize for Jerry? The usual interpretation is that the “safe beach” represents the comfort and security of Jerry’s childhood and his mother and the rocky, “wild beach” represents the unknown adolescent future without his mother.

What is the main message or theme of through the tunnel?

In Through the Tunnel by Doris Lessing we have the theme of connection, isolation, determination, failure, independence, conflict and coming of age. Narrated in the third person by an unnamed narrator the reader realises after reading the story that Lessing may be exploring the theme of connection.

What does the wild bay symbolize for Jerry?

For Jerry, the wild bay seems to represent adulthood and maturity. He’s a young adolescent, and so it seems natural that he no longer wants to accompany his mother to their usual, “safe beach,” the beach they’ve always gone to in the past. Independence (and the maturity from which it comes) can be lonely.

What does the tunnel symbolize for Jerry?

The tunnel represents Jerry’s passageway from youth to maturity, a symbolic journey from boyhood to manhood. By proving himself worthy, Jerry is showing the world that he is no longer a child. In the end, Jerry’s climatic swim through the dark, dangerous tunnel proves his strength and endurance.

What is the most important symbol in through the tunnel?

The tunnel symbolizes transformation. Swimming through it is a rite of passage—a ceremony marking the transition from one stage of life to the next. When Jerry swims through the tunnel, he symbolically transforms from a child to a young adult.

What does a tunnel symbolize?

While tunnels certainly represent journeys, they more often symbolize the passage from one phase of life to another. In its most primal meaning, the tunnel symbolizes the birth canal. Just as a baby evolves and journeys outward, so do characters of a story.

What does the rock symbolize in through the tunnel?

The pointed rocks, the big black boulders, and the wall of rock all represent physical obstacles that Jerry must pass in this tale about a rite of passage. The obstacles are big and intimidating–even dangerous– but if Jerry can conquer them, the water, the tunnel, then he will be a man.

What does the mother symbolize in through the tunnel?

Susan Woodward, M.A. In Doris Lessing’s “Through the Tunnel” the two beaches symbolize the two parts of Jerry that are in conflict. The safe beach, where his mother relaxes, represents the safety and maternal protection Jerry experiences as a child.

What does the water represent in through the tunnel?

The tunnel of the large rock under the water out in the “wild bay” symbolically represents this rite because swimming through this long passage requires manly discipline and stamina.

Why does Jerry consider this the real sea?

The reason why the sea is portrayed in such a realistic and dangerous manner is to emphasise the risk that Jerry takes as he tries to go “through the tunnel.” This is no silly childish dare. This is something that could result in Jerry losing his life and in his death.

What happens to Jerry as he swims through the tunnel?

As he swims through the dark tunnel, “[V]ictory filled him. But, soon his lungs begin to hurt and he know that he must continue in the darkness or drown. Finally, while he lapses in and out of consciousness. Jerry makes his way into the open sea and struggles onto the rock where, exhausted he lies for a time.

What happens to Jerry when he swims through the tunnel?

Plot Summary. In Lessing’s “Through the Tunnel,” Jerry, a young English boy, and his mother are vacationing at a beach they have come to many times in years past. A strong swimmer, Jerry plunges in and goes so far out that he can see his mother only as a small yellow speck back on the other beach.

How does Jerry feel about himself after swimming through the tunnel Why?

How does Jerry feel about himself after swimming through the tunnel? He felt proud because he did what he set out to do.

How does Jerry seem to feel about himself and his swim at the end of the story?

How does Jerry seem to feel about himself and his swim at the end of the story? The strain that he put on his body doesn’t seem to register with Jerry. He forgets altogether that while he was under he thought he was about to die – the surface air washed away the fear and panic that strangled him in the tunnel.

Why was Jerry happy when he first joined?

Jerry felt accepted because the boys would make way for him when he dove and he felt like he was part of their group.

Why does Jerry cry when the other boys leave?

Why does Jerry cry when he cannot dive through the tunnel? He is frustrated that he cannot do what the other boys can.

What is Jerry trying to overcome in through the tunnel?

After his rejection by the older native boys in the wild bay, Jerry’s goal is to accomplish what these boys have done by swimming through the underwater tunnel on his own. In this way, he can attain his own rite of passage.

Why might jerry be stuck counting past 100 and 15?

He felt he was dying.” When Jerry gets stuck on one hundred fifteen, he loses track of how long he’s truly been underwater, and we have no idea how much further he can make it (nor does he know).

Which is the largest number in the number grid?

The smallest of 3-digit numbers is 100 and the largest number is 999. Learning 3-digit numbers is the building block for higher digit numbers. Here we shall explore more about the importance, formation, and place value of numbers in numbers up to 3-digit numbers.

What number does Jerry count to that is how long the other boys are under the water?

Jerry splashes, treading water, counting wildly to see how long the boys have stayed underwater. He begins feeling panicky as he reaches 50 seconds, but he keeps counting. The boys finally surface at 160.

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