What resources do the Himalayas provide?

What resources do the Himalayas provide?

The Himalayas are an important source of fresh water for millions of people in South Asia. Its alpine meadows and conifer forests harbor an array of rare plant life and endangered species.

What are the main source of income of Himalayan region?

Agriculture is the mainstay of Nepalese economy that provides about 38 percent share to national GDP and employing 66 percent of the total 25.3 million people.

What minerals are in the Himalayas?

These minerals include: Garnets, kupfferite, tourmaline, spinels, chrysolite, euclase, kyanite, corundum, ruby, beryl, muscovite, jade, jasper and many others. There are 2 minerals found in the Himalayan Mountains, specifically in Kashmir, of economic importance. They are Sapphires, and Aquamarines.

What economic activities are possible in Himalayan Region?

Products and services from the mountains and hills form the basis of many economic sectors including agriculture, forestry, pharmaceuticals, rangeland production, tourism, and biodiversity conservation.

What is the insignificance of Himalayas?

The Himalayas are of utmost importance because: i) It is the origin of many rivers that serve as a great source of water in the Indian subcontinent. ii) They prevent dry winds south, which keeps South Asia much warmer than corresponding temperate regions in the other continents.

What is the significance of Himalayas 5 points?

1) The Himalayas are the youngest mountains in the world and are; structurally; the folded mountains. 2) The Himalayas run along the northern border of India. 3) The Himalayas form an arc which is about 2,400 km long. The width varies from 400 km in Kashmir to 150 km in Arunachal Pradesh.

What are the parallel ranges of Himalayas explain?

The Himalayas consist of three parallel ranges, the Greater Himalayas known as the Himadri, the Lesser Himalayas called the Himachal, and the Shivalik hills, which comprise the foothills. Mount Everest at a height of 8848m is the highest peak followed by the Kanchanjunga at 8598 m.

What is the importance of mountains?

The Importance of Mountains Mountain areas cover 26.5% of the world’s total continental land surface. Of the world’s 237 countries, 197 include mountains. Mountains are particularly important for their biodiversity, water, clean air, research, cultural diversity, leisure, landscape and spiritual values.

What crops grow in the Himalayas?

The main crops of the region are paddy (ie rice), wheat, finger millet, barnyard millet, proso millet, foxtail millet, barley, buckwheat, bitter buckwheat and amaranth. Pulses grown in the region include Himalayan black soybean, blackgram, pink lentil, rice bean and horsegram.

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