What role did Prince Henry of Portugal play in the age of exploration?

What role did Prince Henry of Portugal play in the age of exploration?

Prince Henry the Navigator was one of the first big players in Portugal during this period. He funded and was in charge of the first voyages to Africa, and was the driving force behind the country’s first colonies on the African continent.

Why did Christianity spur on exploration?

What factors helped spur European exploration? Desire for new sources of wealth; desire to spread Christianity; technological advancements in sailing and navigation.

Who led the way in exploration for Portugal?

Portugal, the western-most European country, was one of the primary players in the European Age of Discovery and Exploration. Under the leadership of Prince Henry the Navigator, Portugal took the principal role during most of the fifteenth century in searching for a route to Asia by sailing south around Africa.

Who was exploring during the age of exploration?

The Age of Exploration is considered to have occurred mostly with four European nations, which included: Portugal, Spain, France and England. Each of these countries experienced the same forces that pushed them to explore the world, but they also shared one important characteristic.

How did the Age of Exploration impact Asia?

In Asia , contact with Europeans led to the spread of the Christian religion. European missionaries made converts in India , China , Japan , the East Indies, and the Philippines . In Indonesia , Islam also spread as Muslims competed with the Portuguese for control of trade.

Did people die during the age of exploration?

People died on account of the climate, the difficulties of sailing, and from many other reasons they could not have imagined before the expedition began. Death came to both sides, the European and the African, that were brought into contact as a result of the expeditions of discovery.

How did religion influence the age of exploration?

Along with technological, economic, and political factors, the Christian faith greatly influenced the European Age of Exploration (15th century to 18th century). The Catholic Church started a major effort to spread Christianity around the world. Spiritual motivations also justified European conquests of foreign lands.

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