When can I walk unaided after hip replacement?

When can I walk unaided after hip replacement?

3 to 6 Weeks After Hip Replacement Surgery You may be able to do most light activities. You’ll likely be able to walk without a walker or crutches.

What is the best exercise after hip replacement?

You may feel uncomfortable at first, but these exercises will help speed your recovery and actually diminish your postoperative pain.

  • Ankle Pumps.
  • Ankle Rotations.
  • Bed-Supported Knee Bends.
  • Buttock Contractions.
  • Abduction Exercise.
  • Quadriceps Set.
  • Straight Leg Raises.
  • Stair Climbing and Descending.

When can I go down to one crutch after hip replacement?

Most patients can expect to be using crutches for around four weeks, but often turn the corner after this and start phasing this out as they progress. By the time you have a follow-up with your consultant after six weeks, you will be walking around the house unaided and will be feeling largely back to normal.

What kind of Walker is best after hip replacement?

Front-wheeled walkers are preferred for safety after hip replacement surgery. When walking with a walker, crutches or cane, DO NOT TURN BY PIVOTING ON YOUR OPERATED LEG. After surgery, the hip muscles can be weakened and pivoting over your operative hip is not recommended for the first 6-8 weeks after surgery.

Is a cane better than a walker?

If you have pain or weakness on one side of your body that makes it hard to walk or balance, a cane may be helpful. If you have poor balance or feel unsteady on your feet, a walker may give you more support.

Is a recliner good after hip replacement?

Try to sit in a straight back chair (avoid low sofas, recliners, or zero-gravity chairs) for the first 6 weeks. Do NOT sleep in a recliner. Your hip will get stiff in a flexed position and be harder to straighten out. Do not extend your hip or leg backwards for 6 weeks.

Can I drive 6 weeks after hip replacement?

You can usually drive a car after about 6 weeks, subject to advice from your surgeon. It can be tricky getting in and out of a car at first. It’s best to ease yourself in backwards and swing both legs round together.

Can you sleep on your side after hip surgery?

The best position to sleep in after total hip replacement is on your back with a pillow between your legs. You can also sleep on your non-operative side with two pillows lined between your legs. When you’re sleeping on your back, make sure you don’t cross your ankles or legs.

How long after hip surgery can you do housework?

When you first return home, we strongly advise having help within your home to assist you with household chores and yardwork. After 12 weeks, you should feel strong and well enough to resume most of your household duties.

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