When can you breed a Jersey heifer?

When can you breed a Jersey heifer?

A: Breeding should occur when the heifer reaches puberty. Puberty is a function of breed, age, and weight. Most heifers will reach puberty and be bred by 12 to 14 months of age and will be between 55% and 65% of their mature weight when they first begin to exhibit estrous cycles.

How much does a Jersey calf weight?

Jersey calves average 60 pounds at birth, with a range in birth weight from 42 to 72 pounds reported in a recent California calf study. A mere 3% of the calf ‘s initial weight is body fat and is quickly expended by the calf to generate body heat.

How fast do Jersey cows grow?

Set Goals for Rate of Gain. To reach full genetic potential, aim for Jersey calves to double birth weight by 56 days. For a 60-pound Jersey newborn, this equates to an average daily gain of 1.1 lbs. until weaning.

How long can a Jersey cow live?

While most cattle live between 18 to 22 years, it’s not unusual for Jerseys to live 25 years or more. The oldest Jersey cow recorded was 37 years old living at an animal rescue center in the United Kingdom. Jersey cows reach productive age earlier — often bearing a calf months earlier than other dairy breeds.

How do you fatten up a cow?

Fattening cattle should be fed a mineral supplement. If a high concentrate (grain) ration is fed, a mineral supplement consisting of two parts dicalcium phosphate, two parts limestone, and six parts trace mineralized salt should be fed free choice.

Can you eat a Jersey cow?

Holsteins, Jerseys, and other dairy breeds are being used for meat once the milking is done. And it’s turned out to be some of the best-tasting beef around.

Will a cow stop eating when full?

If a cow’s rumen is full, she doesn’t want or need to eat any more. They may feel as if they have had plenty to eat, but they are not getting enough nutrition. This naturally leads to malnourishment and ill health. For optimum health, a cow should eat about 1.3% of her total body weight in NDF every day.

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