When would you use a semicolon examples?

When would you use a semicolon examples?

A semicolon may be used between independent clauses joined by a connector, such as and, but, or, nor, etc., when one or more commas appear in the first clause. Example: When I finish here, and I will soon, I’ll be glad to help you; and that is a promise I will keep.

What are the four uses of a semicolon?

Here are the rules for using semicolons correctly; we hope you’re taking notes.

  • Semicolons Connect Related Independent Clauses.
  • Delete the Conjunction When You Use a Semicolon.
  • Use Semicolons in a Serial List.
  • Use Semicolons With Conjunctive Adverbs.
  • Use a Semicolon to Give a Wily Wink.

What three main things can semicolons replace?

‘ A semicolon is often used to replace a coordinating conjunction like ‘and’ or ‘but’. The sentence about Sandip could have been written like this: ‘Sandip spent three hours in the library but he couldn’t find the book he wanted.

What’s the meaning of semicolon?

: a punctuation mark; that can be used to separate parts of a sentence which need clearer separation than would be shown by a comma, to separate main clauses which have no conjunction between, and to separate phrases and clauses containing commas. More from Merriam-Webster on semicolon.

What does a semicolon mean in mental health?

Created to symbolize affirmation and solidarity against suicide, depression, addiction, and other mental health issues, the semicolon inspires strength in the midst of suffering. “The semicolon is also a reminder to accept and support people battling mental illness.”3

What does S semicolon tattoo mean?

A semicolon tattoo is a tattoo of the semicolon punctuation mark (;) used as a message of affirmation and solidarity against suicide, depression, addiction, and other mental health issues.

What does the semicolon tattoo mean in 13 Reasons Why?

The ; symbol stands for an end of one thought and a beginning of another. Instead of a period, authors use the semicolon to continue a sentence. For us, it means a beginning of another chapter in life, in lieu of ending your life.”21

What is the symbol for mental illness?

Now the symbol of Mental Health America, the 300-pound Bell serves as a powerful reminder that the invisible chains of misunderstanding and discrimination continue to bind people with mental illnesses. Today, the Mental Health Bell rings out hope for improving mental health and achieving victory over mental illnesses.

What symbolizes overcoming struggle?

A koi going upstream signifies a struggle or an obstacle. A koi going downstream either means you’ve overcome your struggle or do not yet have the strength or ability to face it.30

What is a symbol for anxiety?

Over time, the semicolon has been used to represent mental health awareness, including anxiety.

What is the color that represents depression?

lime green

What is the most depressing color?

Grey is the quintessential sad color, but dark and muted cool colors like blue, green or neutrals like brown or beige can have a similar effect on feelings and emotions depending on how they’re used. In Western cultures black is often considered the color of mourning, whereas in some East Asian countries it’s white.

Is blue the color of hope?

Blue signifies the blue skies or the life-giving air and often signifies hope or good health. It is an alternate color for the season of Advent.

What is the color of success?


What is the color of scared?

The color red was most associated with anger, green with disgust, black with fear, yellow with happiness, blue with sadness, and bright with surprise. These associations may be a result of various expressions containing color terms that are used in the English language—for example, “seeing red” or “feeling blue.”19

What colors are sexually stimulating?

Given the above, red, black, and copper/bronze would seem to head the list of the most sexually attractive colours. Research shows that colour affects shopping habits. Red-orange, black, and royal blue attracts impulse buyers. Pink, light green, light and navy blue attract tight budget shoppers.7

What color means lazy?


What Colour means what emotion?

Warm colors – such as red, yellow and orange – can spark a variety of emotions ranging from comfort and warmth to hostility and anger. Cool colors – such as green, blue and purple – often spark feelings of calmness as well as sadness.

What emotion does teal represent?


Which color means freshness?


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