Where does the word sorghum come from?
Origin of sorghum From New Latin genus name Sorghum, from Italian sorgo, from Vulgar Latin *Syricum (“Syrian” ).
Is sorghum a rice?
In its whole form, this grain can be cooked like quinoa or rice, milled into a flour, or popped like popcorn. It’s also converted into a syrup that’s used to sweeten many processed foods. Sorghum is a cereal grain that’s widely produced around the world.
Does sorghum lower cholesterol?
The data suggest that these components of GSL extract may work collectively in lowering plasma and liver cholesterol concentrations. Our findings further indicate that grain sorghum contains beneficial components that could be used as food ingredients or dietary supplements to manage cholesterol levels in humans.
Why is sorghum special?
Sorghum is an excellent source of energy, mainly in the form of complex carbohydrate. Complex carbohydrate (fibers, starches) is usually slowly digested and therefore provides satiety and delayed hunger. Grain sorghum contains more fat than wheat, rice and cassava and about the same percent of protein as other grains.
What are the health benefits of sorghum syrup?
Sorghum syrup is also a healthier alternative sweetener. It has a slightly lower glycemic index than refined sugar and high fructose corn syrup, meaning that it will not spike blood sugar levels as drastically as its more highly processed counterparts.
How long is sorghum syrup good for?
You can store it in the dark cupboard till one year. If you store it in refrigerator, it would crystallize. Once it crystallizes, you should warm it gently to turn them to a usable state. Take a pan of warm water and place the syrup bottle into it till it gets back to normal consistency.
Is sorghum anti inflammatory?
The anti-inflammatory activity observed with these brans correlated with their phenolic content and antioxidant activity. These results demonstrate that select sorghum bran varieties possess significant anti-inflammatory activity.