Where is the Peace Corps headquarters?

Where is the Peace Corps headquarters?

Washington, D.C.

How do I contact the Peace Corps?

For emergency help, please call our toll-free telephone number, 1- For urgent matters of a medical nature, dial extension 1500. For other urgent matters, dial extension 1470. After 5:00 PM, you may contact the Peace Corps duty officer at (202) 638-2574.

Where do you live in the Peace Corps?

The Peace Corps requires you to live in Peace Corps-approved housing, which will vary by country. In most countries, Volunteers are required to live with a host family for pre-service training and, in certain countries, Volunteers live with host families for the duration of their service.

Does Peace Corps pay for college?

Graduate schools recognize the valuable service experience returned Peace Corps Volunteers bring to underserved communities at home. Coverdell Fellows program partners offer returned Peace Corps Volunteers reduced tuition, assistantships, and stipends at more than 90 participating universities and colleges.

How long can you serve in the Peace Corps?

five years

What is the maximum age to join the Peace Corps?

No, there is no upper age limit to Peace Corps service. However, Volunteers must be a minimum of 18 years old to serve.

What are the requirements to be in the Peace Corps?

To be eligible for Peace Corps service, you must be at least 18 years of age and a U.S. citizen. 3-6 months of full-time experience with a large-scale commercial or family-run business involving vegetable gardening, farming, nursery work, tree planting and care, urban forestry, or fisheries work.

How long does Peace Corps application process take?

90 days

What should I wear to Peace Corps interview?

Be professional and dress appropriately. Unless you happen to live down the street from a Peace Corps office, you’ll most likely be conducting your interview via webcam on Skype. That being said, you should still dress as if you were going to an in-person interview; business attire is a requirement.

How many references do you need for Peace Corps?

three references

How do you write a good Peace Corp essay?

I hope you find it helpful!

  1. The Peace Corps Essay Prompt. Peace Corps service presents major physical, emotional, and intellectual challenges.
  2. Answer the Prompt.
  3. Don’t Summarize Your Resume.
  4. Keep It Simple.
  5. Don’t Skip the Challenges.
  6. Why Peace Corps?
  7. Peace Corps Isn’t a Travel Agency.
  8. Skip the Quotes.

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