Which best identifies a cause of the cats encounter with the rat?

Which best identifies a cause of the cats encounter with the rat?

The cat is abandoned on an island. She adapts to the wilderness and survives until her family returns. Which best identifies a cause of the cat’s encounter with the rat? The cat, while lonely, is able to find food and shelter.

Which type of conflict does the cat face?

The main conflict is that the cat is abandoned on an island and must fight to survive.

How does the author develop the plot in how a cat played Robinson Crusoe?

How does the author develop the plot in “How a Cat Played Robinson Crusoe”? The cat has ongoing conflicts with rats which continue until the cat kills the last rat. The cat endures one conflict after another and all conflicts are resolved when the children return.

What is the cause of the main conflict in how a cat played Robinson Crusoe?

What is the main conflict in “how the cat played robinson crusoe” a. the main conflict is the cat is hungry and doesn’t know how to catch food. the main conflict is that the cat is abandoned on an island and must fight to survive.

Which statement best explains the main conflict and resolution in how a cat played Robinson Crusoe The cat faces many adversaries including rats and owls However she persists and is able to overcome each the cat learns how do you hunt she does not starve?

The cat faces many adversaries, including rats and owls. However, she persists and is able to overcome each. Explanation: that’s the answer because the cat is facing adversaries so that the main conflict and the resolution is that she persists and is able to overcome each.

Which best describes how the chapters in how a cat played Robinson Crusoe develop the plot of the story?

Which best describes how the chapters in “How a Cat Played Robinson Crusoe” develop the plot of the story? Each chapter focuses on a new challenge or conflict that the cat faces while on the island; each smaller conflict helps to develop the main conflict.

What are conflicts in Robinson Crusoe?

major conflict Shipwrecked alone, Crusoe struggles against hardship, privation, loneliness, and cannibals in his attempt to survive on a deserted island.

What is the message of Robinson Crusoe?

The central message, or theme, of “Robinson Crusoe” is survival. Not only does Crusoe have to physically survive on the island by securing…

What is the purpose of Robinson Crusoe?

The purpose and the nature of adventure stories are obvious, to tell of risky enterprises and daring feats. Readers who see Robinson Crusoe as an adventure story generally find Crusoe’s moralizing, religious conversion and consequent religious commentary as superficial filler or as digressions. Travel literature.

What is the climax of Robinson Crusoe?

The climax of the novel occurs on Crusoe’s island when Crusoe helps the English captain overcome the mutineers and regain control of his ship. This action means that Crusoe at long last has a means to return to England.

What is the ending of Robinson Crusoe?

At the end of Robinson Crusoe, Crusoe and Friday are saved. They sail back to Europe on an English ship. Crusoe discovers that his investments have made him wealthy. He marries, has three children, and, after his wife dies, sets out on more traveling adventures.

What is the first word that Crusoe teaches Friday?

Answer. I thick the answer is “master “.

What is the story of Robinson Crusoe in short?

Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe is a novel in which the protagonist tells about his life as an adventurer making it an autobiographical novel. Robinson Crusoe while young desires to travel abroad but his idea is condemned by his parents. However, he ignores their advice and boards a ship that takes him to London.

What is meant by Man Friday?

: an efficient and devoted aide or employee : a right-hand man.

Which quality is most valuable in a servant?

According to Defoe, this quality of selflessness in a servant is the most important attribute.

What does Friday represent Robinson quizlet?

– The way Robinson cultivates and reigns the island and the slave-master relationship between him and (coloured) Friday represent the attitude of colonialization: white European men come to a foreign, apparently uninhabited island and turn it into a fertile, liveable environment through their intelligence and hard …

Is the story of Robinson Crusoe true?

Daniel Defoe’s famous novel was inspired by the true story of an 18th Century castaway, but the real Robinson Crusoe island bears little resemblance to its fictional counterpart. Robinson Crusoe Island is the largest of the Juan Fernandez Islands, a tiny archipelago that is now Chilean territory.

What is the conclusion of Robinson Crusoe?

He soon acclimates to his new lifestyle, and eventually marries and spawns three children. The reader comes to the conclusion at this point that Crusoe has changed his view of utopia, and now acknowledges that human relationships lead to a much purer sense of utopia.

Why Robinson Crusoe is popular?

Robinson Crusoe is one of the world’s most popular adventure novels. Daniel Defoe based his classic tale of survival on an uninhabited island on a true story. Even today, years after its initial publication, the book clips along at a lively pace, with Crusoe’s adventures breezing by the average reader.

What age is Robinson Crusoe appropriate for?

I would recommend the book for 9 year-olds upwards.

Who are the main characters in Robinson Crusoe?


Why was Robinson Crusoe sure that it was not his footprint?

Robinson Crusoe thought so because it had every part of a foot-toes, heel, etc. Robinson thought that it was the footprint of a savage. He became afraid that the savage would come to him with other savages and kill’him. And therefore he began to pray for his safety.

What did Bhaiya do all day answer?

Bhaiya studied all day. Sometimes he read books and sometimes wrote the same word and sentence several times in order to learn them.

What is the moral of the story talkative barber?

This story gives us a funny account of the exchange that happens between the two. Sultan is not happy with his talkative nature but that does not stop the barber. As it is the nature of the talkative barber, he can’t help it but talk about anything and everything.

Why did the people of Kangleipak love their king and queen?

Answer: The people of Kangleipak loved their king and queen because they loved them very much and always wanted to see them happy.

Which tribe of Red Indians attacked the Travellers?

Sioux tribe

What happened when sanatombi was declared the future king?

Sanayaima, the one who jumped over the tree should have been made the future king. It is because he jumped over the tree without hurting him. Sanatombi was made the future queen because she was the only pain who could feel the pain of the people, animal, birds and the trees.

What happens when sanatombi was declared the future king?

No one should be made the future king because they only believe in showing their strength, which is not always good. A future king should be judicious and considerate. Sanatombi was made the future queen because she had all the qualities of a good ruler. She did not believe in hurting anyone, not even trees.

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