Which circumstance provides an example of social facilitation?

Which circumstance provides an example of social facilitation?

Which circumstance provides an example of social facilitation? Correct When working out at the gym, Josh runs faster on his treadmill when another customer is running on the treadmill beside him than he does when he’s all alone.

Which social psychologist produced a theory of social comparison suggesting that in many cases people join with others to evaluate the accuracy of their own beliefs and attitudes?

In 1954, psychologist Leon Festinger hypothesized that people compare themselves to others in order to fulfill a basic human desire: the need for self-evaluation. He called this process social comparison theory.

Which of the following individuals is more likely to respond aggressively to a situation?

experience increasing attraction to novel stimuli that become more familiar. Which of the following individuals is more likely to respond aggressively to a situation? equity, self-disclosure, and positive support.

Which of the following was found to be a factor that influenced obedience in Milgram’s research?

Which of the following was found to be a factor that influenced obedience in Milgram’s research? the learner could not be seen and could not see the teacher. the power of the situation. even ordinary people, who are not particularly hostile, can become agents of destruction.

What causes obedience?

Obedience occurs when you are told to do something (authority), whereas conformity happens through social pressure (the norms of the majority). Obedience involves a hierarchy of power / status. Therefore, the person giving the order has a higher status than the person receiving the order.

What is obedience and examples?

For a dog, obedience consists of things like shaking and lying down on command, coming when called, and going to the bathroom outside. People demonstrate obedience when they follow the law, and kids show obedience when they obey their parents and teachers. Obedience is respectful.

Who is an obedient person?

If you always do what you’re told, you can be described as obedient. Use obedient to describe someone who knows the rules, toes the line, and follows instructions. The word can refer to people (an obedient student), a group (obedient citizens), or even animals (an obedient dog).

Is obedient positive or negative?

Negative Effects of Obedience Obedience is required for our society to function. Yet because of the power of authority, individuals may obey in ways which are destructive and go against their personal moral values.

What is the obedient opposite word?

obedient(a) Antonyms: unsubmissive, intractable, disobedient. Synonyms: submissive, tractable, deferential, subservient, compliant, dutiful, docile, amenable.

Is being obedient a good thing?

Researchers who study obedience are interested in how people react when given an order or command from someone in a position of authority. In many situations, obedience is a good thing. More disturbingly, obedience often is at the heart of some of the worst of human behavior—massacres, atrocities, and even genocide.

Why is obedience to God important?

God created man to rule over the Earth. One answer is that God is calling us to obedience and relationship with him through obedience. By obeying his call to take care of this earth we learn more about him and can grow in understanding of his heart and desires for our lives. Obedience also leads to personal growth.

What the Bible says about obedience?

Mathew 16:24 teaches us that as Christians, the fact that we deny ourselves from many worldly desires and choose to follow Christ, that is obedience. “Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.”

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