Which dye used in the diffusion experiment diffused fastest?

Which dye used in the diffusion experiment diffused fastest?

Potassium Permanganate is approximately half the molecular weight of Methylene Blue and diffuses more rapidly than Methylene Blue, resulting a slightly larger radius for the Potassium Permanganate dye spot than for Methylene Blue.

Which dye diffused more rapidly explain why?

Methylene blue it has a higher molecular weight than potassium permanganate, therefore the smaller, the lighter the molecules are diffused faster than the heavier one.

Does red dye or blue dye diffuse faster?

Which dye diffuses at a faster rate: Red or Blue dye? Diffusion is inversely proportional to molecular weight. The lesser is the molecular weight, the faster the molecules diffuse. The Red dye difuses faster that the blue dye since the blue dye has a higher molecular weight.

In which of the following would the rate of diffusion be fastest?

The rate of diffusion

Factor How the factor affects the rate of diffusion
Concentration gradient The greater the difference in concentration, the quicker the rate of diffusion
Temperature The higher the temperature, the more kinetic energy the particles will have, so they will move and mix more quickly

Does pH affect diffusion?

Diffusion coefficients were determined by means of numerical solutions of Fick’s laws with appropriate boundary conditions. It has been found that the pH of the medium strongly influences diffusion.

What does not affect diffusion?

The factor that does not affect the rate of diffusion are the electrical charges of the diffusion particles. Diffusion is a result of the random movement of particles, hence there is a gross flow of matter from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration.

What are two variables that affect the rate of diffusion?

The two variables affecting the rate of diffusion are the concentration gradient and size of the molecule.

What is your hypothesis for this experiment diffusion?

What is your hypothesis for this experiment? The greater the concentration gradient, the faster the diffusion rate.

What must be present in order for diffusion to occur?

In order for diffusion to occur, there must be a: Concentration gradient. The concentration of solute will be equal everywhere.

When oxygen is more concentrated outside of a cell?

For example, most of your cells continually consume oxygen, which means that the oxygen concentration is almost always higher outside a cell than it is inside a cell. As a result, oxygen generally diffuses into a cell without the cell’s expending any energy. Water molecules, of course, also diffuse.

What happens in a diffusion experiment?

Diffusion occurs when molecules in an area of higher concentration move to an area of lower concentration. As hydrogen ions from the vinegar move into the agar cube, the color of the cube changes allowing you to see how far they have diffused.

What is diffusion explain with experiment?

Diffusion is the movement of a substance from an area of a high concentration to an area of low concentration. All you will need for this experiment are a few glasses of water and some food coloring. If you start off with plain water and add just a drop of color, it will take a long time to diffuse.

Why is potassium permanganate used in diffusion experiment?

Potassium Permanganate Diffusion in Water This experiment demonstrates the principle of chemical diffusion using potassium permanganate in water. Because of the random movement of potassium permanganate particles, a dense purple solution forms in water at base of the beaker.

How is a tea bag in hot water an example of diffusion?

How is a tea bag in hot water an example of diffusion? As the water is added to the teabag it causes the tea leaves to move and triggers diffusion of the leaves. The addition of heat (from the hot water) to the tea bag causes its molecules to move much faster than at room temperature.

What happens when you put a tea bag in warm water?

As the water is added to the teabag it causes the tea leaves to move and triggers diffusion of the leaves. The addition of heat (from the hot water) to the tea bag causes its molecules to move much faster than at room temperature.

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