Which line appears first on a positive pregnancy test?
Positive Pregnancy Test For single window tests a positive result would show both the test line and another line to indicate that you are pregnant. For the two-window tests, in one window a test line would appear and in the second window a plus sign (+) will appear even if it is faint to indicate that you are pregnant.
Is it positive if one line is faint?
With some home pregnancy tests, one line means the test is negative and you’re not pregnant, and two lines mean the test is positive and you are pregnant. A faint positive line in the results window, on the other hand, can leave you scratching your head.
Does a dark line and a faint line mean im pregnant?
Different Line Colors When taking a pregnancy test, any line in the test indication area is considered a positive pregnancy test, even if it is lighter than the control line. The darker line is usually the control line. Sometimes this second line is so faint, you can barely see it.
Did pregnancy test line very faint?
A faint test result could mean that it’s a little too early for the hCG in the urine to be reliably detected by the testing strip. In this particular situation, a faint line probably indicates pregnancy, but repeating the test in a few days’ time will produce more reliable results.
How long after a faint positive should I test again?
So, if you do get a faint line, Kirkham recommends waiting two or three days, then testing again. If it’s still faint, she suggests going to your family doctor for a blood test, which can measure the specific amount of beta hCG, to check if the pregnancy is progressing as it should.
Why did I get a faint positive pregnancy test then a negative?
Only urine that contains a sufficient level of hCG can cause the test’s dye to stain in a way that shows a positive result. In early pregnancy, there may be very little hCG in the urine, and the positive line may be faint.
Can you test positive then negative and still be pregnant?
One explanation for a false negative pregnancy test is what’s called the hook effect. It’s not common but sometimes this effect leads to urine and blood tests giving the wrong result. This error might happen even after you’ve had one positive pregnancy test and test again a couple days later.
Can you get a faint positive and then a negative?
Sometimes a woman gets a positive test followed by a negative. This sometimes happens when one test is less sensitive than another. But if a positive test is followed by several negative tests, this could mean the woman is having a chemical pregnancy.