Which means smooth and shiny?

Which means smooth and shiny?


What is a soft word?

smooth, soothing, or ingratiating: soft words. not harsh or severe, as a penalty or demand. responsive or sympathetic to the feelings, emotions, needs, etc., of others; tender-hearted.

What is the similar meaning of soft?

See definition of soft on Dictionary.com. adj.cushioned, squishy. adj.faint, temperate. adj. adj.out of condition.

What are soft sounding words called?

Euphony Definition

  • The word euphony comes from the Greek word meaning “good sound.”
  • The word euphony is itself slightly euphonic because of its soft sounds.
  • Euphony is one of the words that is used most often to speak about the musicality of language—how it sounds when it’s spoken aloud.

What are harsh sounding words called?

cacophony \ka-KAH-fuh-nee\ noun. 1 : harsh or discordant sound : dissonance]; specifically : harshness in the sound of words or phrases.

Is Rice a soft C word?

View spelling list Words ending in -ce and learn about the word rice in the Spellzone English spelling course, Unit 20. Soft c: ce, ci, cy.

Is accident a soft C?

Use a ‘spelling language’ to remember these words: as you write them pronounce the c as /k/….Spelling ce, ci and cy words – the soft c sound.

accelerate Good drivers accelerate carefully.
accessory She wore a blue dress with matching accessories.
accident A broken ladder caused the accident.

What is the C rule?

Here’s the rule: When ‘c’ comes directly before the letters ‘e’, ‘i’ or ‘y’ we use the /s/ sound. in other cases we use a /k/ sound.

Why Z is pronounced as G?

The letter z was part of the earliest form of the Latin alphabet, adopted from Etruscan. Because the sound /z/ in Latin changed to /r/ by rhotacism in the fifth century BC, z was dropped and its place given to the new letter g.

How do you teach hard and soft c and g?

We typically teach students that the “hard” sounds of “c” and “g” occur most often, but they do need to know when these letters make the “soft” sound. We tell the students that when the letter “c” is followed by the letters i, e or y, the “c” makes the /s/ sound just like in the words “city”, “cent” and “icy”.

Is good hard or soft G?

The most common sound for the “g” is the “hard” sound as in the word “goat”. However, if the “g” is followed by an i, e or y it makes the “soft” /j/ sound as in the word “giraffe”.

What three letters make C and G soft?

Basically, when e, i, or y follows a c or g, they make their soft sounds. While there are some exceptions like girl, get, & cello, this “rule” is mostly followed in the English language.

What makes C and G soft?

When the letters e, i, or y follow the letter c, it makes the soft sound /s/, as in the word city. The letter g can also make more than one sound. When the sound of g is /g/, it is a hard g; however, when the sound is /j/, it is a soft g. When e, i, or y follow the letter g, it makes the soft sound /j/, as in giant.

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