Look and appearances in western Europe from the Middle Ages to our days

Seem and appearances in western Europe from the Middle Ages to our days. A work directed by Isabelle Paresys (PU du Septentrion, February 2008)

The sound, defined as “the system resulting from the work of appearances” and “appearances,” all of the bodily signs and materials perceptible by the senses “, are forms of communication are non-verbal, are subject to the gaze of the other, inherent to the social game. The appearance of an individual based his or her sexual identity, membership in a social group and its function. Both body and material, it is manifested by the holding of the body, gestures, vĂȘtures, accessories… The bodily appearance of a individual is on a stage in a framework of historical, social, material that informs it and the model. Look and appearance are cultural constructs which have a weight of fundamental importance in the european culture of the west. This is the starting point of the research program, which was conducted, under the direction of Isabelle Paresys, in collaboration between teachers-researchers in the CRHEN-O (Lille 3) and the CEHVI (Towers). It has given rise to the study days annual, as well as the book presented in this column. This research program is continuing, as you can find on the blog of Isabelle Paresys1 a call for papers for the 2009 conference entitled “material Cultures, visual cultures of the suit in the european courts (1300-1815)” ; in addition, an electronic journal Appearance(s)2, exists on the same theme.

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