Which of the following are Congressional power?

Which of the following are Congressional power?

These include responsibility for the nation’s budget and commerce, such as the power to lay and collect taxes, to pay the debts, to regulate commerce with foreign nations and among the states, to coin money, and to establish post offices. Congress is assigned the power to declare war and to raise an army and navy.

Which of the following can the president do without congressional approval?

The president can issue rules, regulations, and instructions called executive orders, which have the binding force of law upon federal agencies but do not require approval of the United States Congress. Executive orders are subject to judicial review and interpretation.

What can the president do without congressional approval quizlet?

Which of the following may a president do without congressional action? Proposing a law to expand community college educational opportunities for college age students would be an example of what kind of presidential power? You just studied 20 terms!

Which of the following would probably be the most effective way for a president to achieve?

American Gov 11/17

Question Answer
Which of the following would probably be the most effective way for a president to achieve the goal of getting changes made to an important bill when congress is controlled by the other party? Threatening a veto and negotiate with the legislative leaders over changes

Why did Congress pass the War Powers Resolution of 1973?

After President Richard Nixon ordered the bombing of Cambodia without Congress’s consent, Congress passed the War Powers Resolution of 1973, intended to limit the president’s authority to conduct war. In 1973 Congress passed legislation further clarifying the division of power.

Why has the power of the presidency grown so much since 1789?

Presidential power has grown significantly over time. One main reason for this is because as the role of the federal government has grown and the country has endured wars and other major crises, citizens have looked to the presidency for leadership.

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