Which of the following best describes the relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration quizlet?

Which of the following best describes the relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration quizlet?

Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration? Photosynthesis stores energy in complex organic molecules; cellular respiration releases energy from complex organic molecules.

What are the similarities and differences between cellular respiration and fermentation?

Describe the similarities and differences between cellular respiration and fermentation. Both produce ATP through the breakdown of carbon based molecules, and both allow glycolysis to continue by recycling electron acceptors. Cellular Respiration requires oxygen and produces much more ATP than fermentation.

What is the relationship between the ETC and oxygen quizlet?

What is the relationship between the ETC and oxygen? The relationship between the two is that ETC allows cytochrome to pass into it’s final acceptor oxygen.

What is the relationship between oxygen and photosynthesis quizlet?

Photosynthesis removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and cellular respiration puts it back. Photosynthesis releases oxygen into the atmosphere, and cellular respiration uses that oxygen to release energy from food.

What is oxygen used for in cellular respiration quizlet?

oxygen is important in cellular respiration because it is used to help harvest energy from food molecules. Oxidative phosphorylation uses it directly and it becomes water after it accepts electrons.

What is the main function of oxygen in cellular respiration?

And what exactly is the role of oxygen? Oxygen is the final electron acceptor of the electron transport chain in the final step of cellular respiration. Oxygen combines with electrons and hydrogen ions to produce water.

Why is oxygen so important for cellular respiration?

Oxygen plays a vital role in energy production via a system called electron transport chain (ETC), which is an important component of cellular respiration. The electron transport chain produces adenosine triphosphate, the main cellular energy.

What role does glucose play in cellular respiration quizlet?

Glucose is broken does to carbon dioxide and water, and the cell captures some of the released energy to make ATP. photosynthesis produces glucose and oxygen, which is then used in cellular respiration to produce water and carbon dioxide, which is then used by photosynthesis.

What is the main source of energy for cellular respiration quizlet?


What are released during cellular respiration quizlet?

How does cellular respiration release energy? During cellular respiration, glucose is broken down in the presence of oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water. Energy released during the reaction is captured by the energy-carrying molecule ATP.

Which gas is released during cellular respiration?

During aerobic cellular respiration, glucose reacts with oxygen, forming ATP that can be used by the cell. Carbon dioxide and water are created as byproducts. In cellular respiration, glucose and oxygen react to form ATP. Water and carbon dioxide are released as byproducts.

Where does oxygen come from in cellular respiration?

Almost all the oxygen you breathe comes from green plants. They produce oxygen during a process called photosynthesis. During photosynthesis green plants manufacture the sugar molecules fructose and glucose. Green plants use energy from sunlight to build sugar molecules from carbon dioxide and water.

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