Which of the following is a poor reason to choose a profession answers com?

Which of the following is a poor reason to choose a profession answers com?

The answer is C because you have to love what you want to become in order to succeed in life and letter C represents a poor reason to choose a profession because if for example you decide to become a teacher and you don’t like the job, but the salary then you would not be more than a failure.

Why you choose a career?

Reveal Your Passion: Interview questions such as “Why did you choose this career?” give you the opportunity to show an interviewer just how excited you are about the prospect of the job. Demonstrate the Role of Your Skills in Your Choice: You were likely drawn to your career by a combination of passion and skills.

What changes would you bring to the company?

The simple answer to this question is you: you bring all of your skills, qualities, values, interests, academic knowledge, internships and life experience to the company. Use what you know about the company to show why you would be a good match. …

What are examples of unique qualities?

Here are just some of the things that make YOU unique in this world.

  • Your Personality. An individual’s personality is something that is molded from the moment they are born right through to the present moment.
  • Your Attitude.
  • Your Experiences.
  • Your Habits.
  • Your Creativity.
  • Your Perspective.
  • Your Taste.
  • Your Goals.

What’s the best personality test?

The 5 Best Free Online Personality Tests

  1. MBTI/16 Personalities. Long before we had online personality tests, psychoanalyst Carl Jung speculated about personality types, particularly the concepts of introversion and extroversion.
  2. TestColor.
  3. DiSC.
  4. Berkeley Emotional Intelligence Test.
  5. PATH Assessment.

Is 16 personalities the same as Myers-Briggs?

What is 16 personalities and the MBTI? 16 personalities is a framework that evolved from the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). To understand 16 personalities, we must first understand MBTI. MBTI is the earlier and popularized framework for understanding personality.

What is the most common personality type?


What is the rarest personality type 16 personalities?


What do you call a person who thinks they know everything?

noun. Someone who thinks he knows everything and refuses to accept advice or information from others. Synonyms. egotist egoist swellhead know-all.

What does condescending mean?

: showing or characterized by a patronizing or superior attitude toward others.

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