Which spec is best for Monk?

Which spec is best for Monk?


What level should I be for Shadowlands?

Once you hit level 10 with your new character, you’ll be able to “go back” to any previous expansion until you hit level 50 and begin the Shadowlands story.

What Monk spec is DPS?

Windwalker Monk Overview The Windwalker specialisation is a melee DPS spec that focuses on using Energy, converting it into Chi, and using that Chi to deal damage. Windwalker is an incredibly mobile spec with a very strong presence in M+ and PvP, but historically lags beyond other specs in Raids.

Can you level as Mistweaver monk?

Although each specialization has strengths and weaknesses, we recommend Brewmaster as the best Monk leveling spec. Great survivability and healing coupled with area damage make this spec kill groups of mobs fairly easily. You will also experience near instant queues in dungeons as a tank.

Do monks level faster?

Monks level significantly, noticeably faster than any other class due to their daily class quest. This quest gives them the Enlightenment buff, increasing XP gains by 50% for one hour.

Is Monk healing good?

The Mistweaver Monks haven’t changed much compared to Battle for Azeroth—and that’s a good thing. They’re one of the most efficient healers and have been for the past expansion. Their kit was, is, and will remain strong unless Blizzard nerfs them. They can survive burst damage easily and top up their allies in seconds.

What is the easiest healing class in WoW?


  • Holy Priest is a long range straight forward caster with the most spell versatility (hots, direct heals, instant cast short cool down massive heals via Words, instant cast minor shield and a smart heal that jumps from person to person when they get damaged).
  • Discipline Priest is the extreme opposite of holy.

Are Windwalker monks good in BfA?

Windwalker Monks have a very flexible toolkit and provide various utility. They perform well on sustained damage output and have many ways to provide your group with AoE. Generally, Windwalker performs well in Mythic+ and PvP, but struggles to stay strong in raids.

What is the best healer class in WoW?

Full Healer Class Rankings

  • 3.1. Holy Paladin.
  • 3.1. Discipline Priest.
  • 3.1. Restoration Shaman.
  • 3.2. Mistweaver Monk.
  • 3.2. Restoration Druid.
  • 3.2. Holy Priest.

Is holy or discipline better for healing Shadowlands?

In World of Warcraft, the priests class is the only one that has two healing subclasses, and Discipline is probably the most balanced one. In Shadowlands, the character of this subclass became more mobile and damage dealing (thus standing between Holy and Shadow priest) with the possibility to cast Mindblast.

What is the best healing class in WoW BfA?

WoW BfA Best Healers (Ranked)

  • Holy Priest (109k max heals) “Let my light be your guide.”
  • Discipline Priest (105k max heals) “By the light of Elune, I’ll smite you!”
  • Restoration Shaman (100k max heals)
  • Holy Paladin (108k max heals)
  • Restoration Druid (103k max heals)
  • Mistweaver Monk (100k max heals)

What is the easiest healer in Shadowlands?

Holy Paladin 100% easiest healer of all time. It’s also very forgiving and you are an absolute beefcake to deal with outside of just healing.

What should I play for Shadowlands?

All recent researches say that the best DPS classes for the Shadowlands are: Affliction Warlocks, Marksmanship Hunters, Unholy Death Knights, Balance Druids, Shadow Priests, and Fire Mages.

Which healer does the most damage in Shadowlands?

Holy Paladin

Is Torghast easier as a healer?

Torghast mob scaling is different for tanks and healers, resulting in much easier runs because mobs deal less damage and have less health.

Does Torghast scale If you are a healer?

Go Healer or Tank For Solo Runs All of the mobs in Torghast scale to your character. So, if you’re a healer, the mobs will inflict less damage on you.

Can 2 DPS do Torghast?

Adding two more DPS, to make it more like a dungeon run, increases the difficulty significantly. However, it might still be better — for those DPS, not for the tank and healer — than running it solo if they were to have a difficult final boss. One more note about Torghast’s scaling: Traps! Torghast is full of traps.

Are Healers good in Torghast?

In short, solo Torghast as a healer is both viable and fun, with pretty much every healer. You will have to take some offensive powers, and deal damage, but there’s plenty of opportunities to do so.

Can healers solo Torghast?

I still find it quite easy as solo healer, and I still think it’s easier than any other role. I run torghast on a resto druid, shaman, disc priest, and holy paladin. Druid is probably the hardest, shaman the easiest.

Can you solo Torghast as resto druid?

Solo Restoration Druid in Torghast Your playstyle as a Restoration Druid is very straightforward: don’t pull too big, take your time early, and don’t be afraid to wait for cooldowns when necessary. Split up large packs of dangerous enemies with Entangling Roots if necessary.

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