Which type of vegetation is found in higher reaches of Himalayas?

Which type of vegetation is found in higher reaches of Himalayas?

Which type of vegetation zone is found in the higher reaches of the Himalayas? Explanation: Alpine is the types of vegetation zones are found in the higher reaches of the Himalayas with mean annual average temperature below 7°C.

Where is the alpine vegetation found in India?

The Eastern Himalayan alpine shrub and meadows covers an area of 121,300 square kilometres (46,800 sq mi), extending along the north and south faces of the Himalaya Range from the Kali Gandaki Gorge in central Nepal eastwards through Tibet and India’s Sikkim state, Bhutan, India’s Arunachal Pradesh state, and …

Why does the natural vegetation in the Himalayan mountains change with altitude?

Answer. Answer: In the Himalaya mountains, the vegetation changes according to the altitude because the temperature and rainfall decrease with height.

Which range of the Himalayas has very little vegetation?

Vegetation in the Himalayas: When we look at the vegetational zones, the eastern Himalayas are similar to the western Himalayas. But on the whole, the eastern Himalayas have more tropical elements, a greater variety of Oaks and Rhododendrons and less of conifers than the western Himalayas.

Why does mountain vegetation change with altitude Class 9?

Why does mountain vegetation change with altitude ? The natural vezetation in the mountains is influenced more by temperature than by precipitation In the mountainous areas, the temperature of the air decreases with increase in altitude, above the mean sea level.

Why does the mountain vegetation change with altitude explain with example?

Mountain vegetation is found on the mountains at higher altitudes (heights). As the height increases, the temperature decreases. Thus, trees at a higher altitude are conical and form the coniferous forests. Some main species of trees are chir, deodar and pine.

Why does vegetation change with altitude?

Elevation may affect the type and amount of sunlight that plants receive, the amount of water that plants can absorb and the nutrients that are available in the soil. As a result, certain plants grow very well in high elevations, whereas others can only grow in middle or lower elevations.

Which Forest has the highest altitude?

On a steep, boulder-strewn mountainside in the Himalaya, clings a stand of juniper trees that holds the record for the highest forest growing north of the equator. The dense cluster of Juniperus tibetica was recently discovered at 4900 metres (16,076 feet) elevation in southeast Tibet.

Why Trees Cannot grow at high altitude?

Trees don’t grow above the timberline because of high winds, low moisture, and cold temperatures. Trees grow all over the world, in many different types of weather. But above certain elevations, trees just cant grow. Small trees need less moisture and less oxygen.

At what altitude do trees no longer grow?

The elevational limit of such suitable summer conditions varies by latitude. In Mexico, for example, treeline occurs somewhere around 13,000 feet, whereas farther north, in the Tetons, for instance, it occurs lower, at approximately 10,000 feet.

At what altitude is the timberline?

The timberline in the central Rockies and Sierra Nevadas is around 3,500 metres (11,500 feet), whereas in the Peruvian and Ecuadorian Andes it is between 3,000 and 3,300 metres (10,000 and 11,000 feet).

What height is tree line?

about 4,800 feet

Why is the tree line lower in Europe?

Europe, being inhabited by humans for a longer period of time than North America, has had more people harvesting trees for fuel for a longer period of time. Hence – fewer trees. Either that… or USA is too lazy to hike that high up in the mountains to cut firewood.

What causes the tree line?

The tree line is the elevation at which trees stop growing-either because of the low temperatures, or lack of pressure and moisture.

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