Who did Joey end up with on friends?

Who did Joey end up with on friends?

Alex Garrett

Why did Phoebe not marry David?

The reason was that Phoebe had fallen in love with Mike when David wasn’t around and she decided she wanted to be with Mike, rather than David. Had David not gone to Minsk, then she would have probably married David.

Does Phoebe get divorced?

Phoebe and Duncan Phoebe married a gay Canadian ice dancer named Duncan in 1990. In season 2 he revealed he was actually straight and in love with another woman, so he and phoebe divorced but on good terms.

Why is Rachel the most hated?

She’s materialistic and sometimes thinks too highly of herself. But she ain’t the only flawed one. One of the main reasons she’s hated is because of her behavior with Ross in their relationship. That’s one of the reasons why people think “Mondler” was better.

Will Bam kill Rachel?

Baam confronts Rachel, admitting that he just can’t understand her, and rebuking her when she claims to have done nothing wrong. He then attacks and completely overwhelms Rachel, and though he still spares her life, he states that he will kill her if she ever harms his friends again.

Is Bam stronger than Rachel?

Rachel comes back stronger than Bam cause she learned Irregular skills from an Irregular ranker, maybe she even claims to be the real chosen one (child of Arlene), steals FUG from Bam and puts Gustang in charge of it. Next season: Bam after running to Urek Mazino and training time skip.

Why is Bam called the 25th BAM?

The name “Twenty-Fifth Baam (25th Baam)” was given or told by Rachel. After he meets Garam Zahard on the 43rd Floor, she tells him that his name comes from his parents — “Grace” from Grace Arlen and “Viole” is probably from V. SIU has stated that the origin of the name “Viole” came from color “Violet”.

Is Bam stronger than Yuri?

Baam is probably ranker level, and he will become stronger and stronger, but he is not close to Yuri’s power, though I feel like something big will happen before he will even reach floor 100 to make him become high-ranker level.

What rank is BAM?

The current Bam in the Manwha is very powerful. He’s only C-rank regular but is capable of fighting very powerful High Rankers like when he cut Gado’s leg. He is said to be 10 times more powerful than Charlie who is an elite ranker after overwhelming him in a fight.

Is Bam overpowered?

He is overpowered by any metric, but that doesn’t really matter. He’s the protagonist of our story, and considering he strives to have the strength to protect anybody he cares about – he needs to be able to progress quickly enough to survive against the most powerful figures in the tower.

Can Bam beat a high ranker?

At a minimum bam still lacks the skill of a high ranker but if his growth rate continues to increase over time then catching up to even kallavan isn’t that far away. Odds are he won’t even need shinwonryu to beat kallavan by floor 100, specially if he gets to a point where he can actually fight hon.

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