Who first sang only fools rush in?

Who first sang only fools rush in?

In 1940, songwriters Johnny Mercer and Rube Bloom composed “Fools Rush In,” a tune originally recorded by Glenn Miller. The song was so appealing that scores of musicians and singers performed it in subsequent decades, Louis Armstrong and Peggy Lee among them.

Who covered Fools rush in?


Title Performer
Fools Rush In (Where Angels Fear to Tre… Bob Crosby and His Orchestra
Fools Rush In (Where Angels Fear to Tre… Kay Kyser and His Orchestra – Vocal Chorus Ginny Simms
Fools Rush In (Where Angels Fear to Tre… Mildred Bailey
Fools Rush In Tommy Dorsey and His Orchestra – Vocal Refrain by Frank Sinatra

Is fools rush in where angels fear to tread in the Bible?

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread is a proverb. One of the books of the Bible is the Book of Proverbs, which contains words and phrases that are still often quoted in the English language because they are wise.

Who sings Danke Schoen in Fools Rush In?

Listen Fools Rush In (1997) Soundtrack

Title Artist
Danke Schoen Wayne Newton: performer Kurt Schwabach: writer
Two To Tango Peter Daou: writer
Mi Tierra Estéfano: writer
I Wonder Chris Isaak: performer

How do you reply to Danke schön?

When someone says danke, the standard response is bitte. This normally means ‘please’, but within the context of responding to a ‘thank you’, it means ‘you’re welcome’. If instead they say danke schön, then you should reply by saying bitte schön.

What is the difference between Danke and Danke Schoen?

“Danke” means thank you. “Schön” means beautiful or nice, it depends of the context. So “Danke schön” means thank you very much. Both (Danke and Danke schön) are often used in German.

Is Danke rude?

1. Danke — Thank you / Thanks. It’s not rude to use it even with people you’re less familiar with, but it doesn’t hurt to use a formal pronoun for them and say something like Ich danke Ihnen (I thank you).

Can you just say Danke?

“Danke” is perfectly fine and just as good as “danke schön”. If you hear predominantly the latter then that may be a regional preference. If you want to strengthen it a bit, you can say “vielen Dank”, and if you actually want to thank someone you can use a full sentence like “ich danke Ihnen/dir”.

How do you respond to bitte?

If someone asks you for something, you can say “bitte schön” or “bitte sehr” when you give it to him. If then he says “thank you”, you can answer “gern geschehen” (“I liked doing it”). They’re both equally good. The Enlish sentence is a phrase used as an answer to “thank you”.

Does Bitte mean you’re welcome?

Note that bitte by itself still means you’re welcome, but in this context, the word is used as a shortened version or bitteschön or bitte sehr.

How do you respond to Guten Tag?

with “You too” “Guten Tag” is used as a greeting, so you would rather say “Guten Tag” back than saying something like “you too”. If someone wishes you “einen schönen Tag”, you could say “dir auch (informal), Ihnen auch (formal) or “gleichfalls” (informal & formal).

Is vielen dank formal?

Vielen Dank is equally formal as the last two phrases, so feel free to use them interchangeably. If you want to express even more thanks you can duplicate the Vielen, so it becomes Vielen, vielen Dank which is just “Thank you very, very much”.

What language is vielen dank?


How do you pronounce bitte?


  1. IPA: /ˈbɪtə/
  2. (file)
  3. (file)

How do you say ma’am and Sir in German?

What’s the German equivalent to the English form of address “Sir” or “Ma’am”?

  1. A very polite form would be: “Gnädige Frau”.
  2. @Devon: Please elaborate it more and make it an answer. –
  3. ““Gnädige Frau” is rather outdated at least in Germany. –
  4. Note that using “Sir!”

Is it rude to just say arigato?

‘ is a little bit rude. It would be better to use ‘Arigato. ‘ when you say “Thanks” to your friends. So, what do you say when a shop assistant hand you the items you buy and you want to say “Thanks.”? …

Can you just say Gozaimasu?

The word ‘gozaimasu’ is a very polite expression and can roughly be translated as “am,” “is,” or “are” in English. The phrase “ohayo” comes from an adjective, “hayai” meaning “early” and it literally means “it’s early.” So, “ohayo” can take the polite expression “gozaimasu” after that to say it politely.

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