Who has been the prime minister of India for the shortest period?

Who has been the prime minister of India for the shortest period?

Lal Bahadur Shastri became the oldest living prime minister when he was appointed in 1964, but he held this distinction for only 1 year and 216 days.

Which prime minister had the shortest tenure?

(The Duke of Wellington had also served as Prime Minister between 1828 and 1830.) Consequently, the Prime Minister with the total shortest period in office was George Canning, whose sole term lasted 119 days from 12 April 1827 until his death on 8 August 1827.

Who is less time CM in India?

Kalyan Singh moved Allahabad High Court which termed the dismissal of government unconstitutional on 23 February 1998, thereby reinstating the Kalyan Singh government. He holds the record for the shortest stint as Chief Minister of any state in India for just one day.

Who is the mother of GK?

Answer: ▪︎Bhikaiji Rustom Cama, or Madam Cama was born on 24 September 1861 in Bombay. She was an outstanding lady of great courage, fearlessness, integrity, perseverance and passion for freedom.

Which is the best GK question?

Best GK Questions and Answers for Competitive Exam

  • Q : Who appoints the Attorney General of India?
  • Q : With which dance form would you associate the famous dancers Rukmini Devi Arundale and Yamini Krishnamurthy?
  • Q : In literature, which author used the pseudonym Isaac Bickerstaff?

What are the top 10 GK questions?

10 GK Questions and Answers on the eminent Personalities and their contribution

  • Who was the first Indian woman in Space?
  • Who was the first Indian in space?
  • Who built the Jama Masjid?
  • Who wrote the Indian National Anthem?
  • Who was the first Indian Scientist to win a Nobel Prize?

What is a GK question?

General Knowledge is the awareness of a broad range of facts about various subjects, such as important events, people, history, geography, scientific phenomena, mathematical facts, etc. Read on the GK Questions are based upon the expected level of General Knowledge for Class 3.

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