Who is the chairman of committee on public undertaking?

Who is the chairman of committee on public undertaking?

Meenakshi Lekhi

What is the public accounts committee?

Public Accounts Committees scrutinise the financial expenditure of the government and taxpayer’s money, ensuring transparency and accountability within Government, and making recommendations to ensure taxpayer’s receive best value for money on government spending.

Who is the head of the Public Accounts Committee?

The current PAC is headed by Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury since July, 2019 after Mallikarjun Kharge, who was leader of INC in the Lok Sabha.

What is the role of public accounts committee?

The Public Accounts Committee examines the accounts showing the appropriation of the sums granted by Parliament to meet the expenditure of the Government of India, the Annual Finance Accounts of the Government of India and such other accounts laid before the House as the Committee may think fit.

How many members are there in public undertaking committee?

22 members

Which among the following is a correct function of Public Accounts Committee?

1. To examine, in the light of CAG’s report, the accounts showing the appropriation of sums granted by the Parliament. 2. To examine, in the light of CAG’s report, the statement of accounts of state corporations, trading and manufacturing projects except of those as are allotted to the committee on public undertakings.

Who appoints CAG India?

the President of India

What is the function of departmental standing committee?

Parliament has recently reconstituted the departmentally related standing committees (DRSCs), which perform three important functions: examine Bills referred to them; select specific topics related to the ministries and examine implementation by the Government; and examine the budgetary outlays of the departments.

Can a minister be part of Standing Committee?

A Minister shall not be nominated as a member of the Committee, and if a member after his nomination to the Committee is appointed a Minister, he shall cease to be a member of the Committee from the date of such appointment.

What is the composition of Standing Committee?

The Committee consists of 31 members; 21 members from Lok Sabha, nominated by the Speaker, Lok Sabha, and 10 from Rajya Sabha nominated by the Chairman, Rajya Sabha. The Chairman of the Committee is appointed by the Speaker from amongst the members of the Committee from Lok Sabha.

What is a standing committee in an organization?

Standing committees (also called operating committees) are those committees that a board uses on a continual basis. They can be set forth in the association’s bylaws or in its board operations and policy manual, or they may be established by custom.

What is a special feature of Standing Committee?

The Standing committees are constituted every year or frequently and they work on continuous basis. 2. Ad hoc committees are temporary and created for specific task. Once that task is completed, the ad hoc committees cease to exist.

What are the duties of a chairman of a committee?

Committee Chair Responsibilities

  • Planning committee meetings.
  • Scheduling conference calls.
  • Preparing and distributing minutes of meetings.
  • Distributing material to the committee whenever needed to keep members informed, particularly agenda material before a meeting.

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