Who is the first person to drink the wine poisoned by Claudius?
The first person to drink the poisoned wine is Gertrude.
Who drinks the poisoned wine?
Laertes selects the poisoned and sharpened rapier, and the two go at it. When Claudius offers Hamlet the poisoned goblet of wine, Hamlet refuses, and Gertrude picks up the cup instead. Toasting Hamlet, she drinks the poison, ensuring her eventual death.
Why doesn’t the king do more to stop Gertrude from drinking the poisoned wine?
Poison is used as a weapon throughout this play. Old Hamlet, the King of Denmark, is poisoned by his brother, Claudius. Claudius does not intervene when Gertrude drinks the poisoned cup of wine because he does not want to give himself away.
Why did Gertrude drink from the cup?
She knowingly drinks from the poisoned cup and then offers it to Hamlet so that Claudius’s plan could not come to fruition—he, who has killed her husband, would not also be responsible for the death of her son.
Who all died from poison in Hamlet?
By the end of the tragedy, Hamlet has caused the deaths of Polonius, Laertes, Claudius, and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, two acquaintances of his from childhood. He is also indirectly involved in the deaths of his love Ophelia (drowning) and of his mother Gertrude (poisoned by Claudius by mistake).
Why won’t hamlet let Horatio commit suicide?
Because the dying Hamlet is aware that Horatio is the best and most reliable witness to recent events at the Danish court, he asks him not to commit suicide. Somebody needs to stay alive, Hamlet says, to tell the story of what happened and how it ended so tragically.
What does Horatio do when Hamlet is dying?
Hamlet tells Horatio that he is dying and exchanges a last forgiveness with Laertes, who dies after absolving Hamlet. Hamlet tells Horatio again that he is dying, and urges his friend not to commit suicide in light of all the tragedies, but instead to stay alive and tell his story.