Who is the longest prime minister in the world?

Who is the longest prime minister in the world?

Hun Sen of Cambodia is the longest-serving current prime minister, having taken office on 14 January 1985….List of current prime ministers.

Prime Minister Hun Sen
Title Prime Minister of Cambodia
State’s political system Constitutional monarchy
Date of assumption 14 January 1985

Who is longest PM in India?


No. Name Length of term
Longest continuous term
1 Jawaharlal Nehru 16 years, 286 days
2 Indira Gandhi 11 years, 59 days
3 Manmohan Singh 10 years, 4 days

Who is the youngest president of USA?

The youngest person to assume the presidency was Theodore Roosevelt, who, at the age of 42, succeeded to the office after the assassination of William McKinley. The youngest to become president by election was John F. Kennedy, who was inaugurated at age 43.

Who is the smallest president in the world?

James Madison, the shortest President, was 5 ft 4 in (163 cm).

Who was the shortest dictator?

President Benito Juárez of Mexico was reportedly the shortest world leader, standing at 4 ft 6 in (1.37 m).

Who are the shortest people in history?

Men. Chandra was declared the shortest human adult ever documented and verified, measuring 21.51 in (54.64 cm). Height confirmed by Guinness World Records. Guinness World Records verified Mohammed’s height at 22 in (57 cm).

How tall is Joe Biden?

1.82 m

Who is the tallest monarch?

Tallest. The tallest measured British monarch was Edward IV, whose skeleton measures 6’4½” (1.94 m). Records indicate that when fully clad in armour he would have been about 6’7″ (2 metres), an exceptional height for any man, especially of that time.

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