Who makes up the Department of Defense?

Who makes up the Department of Defense?

The Department of Defense is headed by the secretary of defense, a cabinet-level head who reports directly to the president of the United States. Beneath the Department of Defense are three subordinate military departments: the Department of the Army, the Department of the Navy, and the Department of the Air Force.

Who falls under the Department of Defense?

The Department of Defense is responsible for providing the military forces needed to deter war and protect the security of our country. The major elements of these forces are the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force, consisting of about 1.3 million men and women on active duty.

What is the Department of Defense mission?

The mission of the Department of Defense (DOD) is to provide the military forces needed to deter war and to protect the security of the United States.

How is the defense department organized?

The Department of Defense is composed of the Office of the Secretary of Defense; the military departments and the military services within those departments; the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Joint Staff; the unified and specified combatant commands; the Defense agencies; DOD field activities; and such …

Does a civilian outrank military personnel?

The short answer is no. Civilians cannot outrank military personnel.

Is GS-13 good?

The GS-13 pay grade is generally reserved for top-level positions such as supervisors, high-level technical specialists, and top professionals holding advanced degrees. Positions at GS-13 and above are known as Career Competitive.

What GS position is equivalent military?

Military and Civilian Pay Grades

Military Grade Rank Civilian Grade
O-4 Lieutenant Commander GS-12
O-3 Lieutenant GS-11
O-2 Lieutenant Junior Grade GS-7/9
O-1 Ensign GS-7

What do GS-13 make?

Starting salary for a GS-13 employee is $79,468.00 per year at Step 1, with a maximum possible base pay of $103,309.00 per year at Step 10. The hourly base pay of a Step 1 GS-13 employee is $38.08 per hour1.

What rank is GS 13 equivalent to?

For federal civilian employees, GS-13 is where pay grades begin to correspond to senior officers in the army or navy. That’s equivalent to a major in the army, or a commander in the navy.

How much does a GS 13 make in retirement?

How much does a GS 13 make in retirement? Payment for a GS-12, Step 10, Rest of the US, is $ 95,388 in 2018. Using that as a maximum of 3, and with 30 years and under 62, that equates to an income of 28,616 $ ($ 25,754 with survivor benefit). At age 62 or older, it would be $ 31,478 ($ 28,330).

What does a GS-14 get paid?

Starting salary for a GS-14 employee is $93,907.00 per year at Step 1, with a maximum possible base pay of $122,077.00 per year at Step 10. The hourly base pay of a Step 1 GS-14 employee is $45.00 per hour1.

What level is GS-14?

GS-14 is a high-level position for individuals who have excelled in their field. This pay grade is usually used for supervisors, high-level technical specialists, and those who’ve earned advanced degrees. The science, engineering and research positions at this level are roughly equivalent to a university professorship.

What is a GS-14 equivalent to?

Senior Officers The GS-14 and GS-15 pay grades are roughly equal to those of lieutenant-colonels and colonels in the army, or to more senior commanders and captains in the navy. That’s the equivalent of a brigadier-general in the army, or a lower-half rear admiral in the navy.

How much does a GS-15 get paid?

Starting salary for a GS-15 employee is $109,366.00 per year at Step 1, with a maximum possible base pay of $142,180.00 per year at Step 10. The hourly base pay of a Step 1 GS-15 employee is $52.40 per hour1.

Can you go from GS 13 to GS-15?

Can I be temporarily promoted to GS-15? Thanks for your answers. In order to be temporarily promoted you have to meet all qualification requirements for the position- including time in grade until it goes away. You can only be temporarily promoted non-competitively for 120 days.

What is higher than a GS-15?

The next pay scale above GS-15 is known as Senior Level Service (SES) and is reserved for high level executive positions are the government’s more renowned researchers.

What is the highest GS position?


What does a GS 7 get paid?

Starting salary for a GS-7 employee is $37,674.00 per year at Step 1, with a maximum possible base pay of $48,978.00 per year at Step 10. The hourly base pay of a Step 1 GS-7 employee is $18.05 per hour1.

What does a GS-9 get paid?

The GS-9 pay grade is generally held by white-collar employees in mid-level positions. Starting salary for a GS-9 employee is $46,083.00 per year at Step 1, with a maximum possible base pay of $59,907.00 per year at Step 10. The hourly base pay of a Step 1 GS-9 employee is $22.08 per hour1.

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