Who was a hypocrite in the crucible?

Who was a hypocrite in the crucible?

Abigail Williams

Who is the most sinful character in the crucible?


Who gets hanged in the crucible?

Herrick, Cheever, and Hathorne escort both John Proctor and Rebecca Nurse to the gallows, where they are publicly hanged at the end of the play. Both John and Rebecca become martyrs and the Salem court is disbanded shortly after their deaths.

What is the setting of Act 1 of The Crucible?

The Crucible Summary and Analysis of Act One. The play is set in Salem, Massachusetts in the spring of 1692, and the first act begins in a small upper bedroom of the home of Reverend Samuel Parris, who kneels in prayer at the bed of his daughter, Betty.

What is the crucible an allegory for?

Arthur Miller uses allegory in his play, The Crucible, to show the similarities between the Salem witch trials and the Red Scare. The Red Scare led to many people fearing others, thinking everyone was a Communist. In the Salem witch trials, witchcraft is threatening the village.

Is the crucible considered a tragedy?

The Crucible is a tragedy in that it features a tragic hero whose fatal flaw of adultery results in his downfall, and who only repents his error after it is too late to alter his fate. In The Crucible, John Proctor is in most ways an upstanding character, honest and highly moral. …

Who is the tragic hero in the crucible Act 4?

John Proctor

What fueled the mass hysteria in the crucible?

A group of girls were caught dancing in the woods naked, and doing Barbados rituals. Two girls fell in a coma which caused hysteria about witchcraft. The ring leader wanted main character, John Proctor, for herself and blamed his wife.

What are some examples of hysteria in the crucible?

One specific example of hysteria occurs in Act III when the girls, led by Abigail, accuse Mary Warren of witchcraft to prevent her from testifying against them. Though multiple people (including Mary) have claimed that the witchcraft accusations are false, the court refuses to be swayed.

How does hysteria play a role in Act 3 of the crucible?

In act 3 of The Crucible, what is an example of mass hysteria, fear, and guilt? The girls whimper and the men become frightened in an example of mass hysteria and fear. Giles displays guilt, as he feels responsible for his wife being accused of witchcraft.

What is the outcome of hysteria in the crucible?

Hysteria is the cause for the growth in the conflict in Salem and causes it to affect the whole town. In Act One, Abigail’s fear of having her name ruined causes her to pretend to know who in the town are witches which she then proceeds to make false accusations.

Who shows fear in the crucible?

Again, fear plays a big role in The Crucible. Abigail and John are afraid that their reputations will be ruined by their affair. Abigail and the other girls are afraid of being caught experimenting with witchcraft.

What does Betty fear in the crucible?

She fears punishment and ostracism within her community. All her fears lead her to accuse others of false transgressions.

What is Tituba afraid of?

“very frightened because her slave sense has warned her that, as always, trouble in [the Parris] house eventually lands on her back.” Despite her obvious fear of Rev. Parris and other town leaders, Tituba does not let that fear interfere with her sense of motherhood which she demonstrates toward little Betty Parris.

Why is reputation important in the crucible?

By Arthur Miller Reputation is extremely important in a town where social standing is tied to one’s ability to follow religious rules. Your good name is the only way you can get other people to do business with you… or even get a fair hearing.

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