Who would win Komodo dragon or snake?

Who would win Komodo dragon or snake?

It rather depends – on the size of each animal. Certainly a full-grown Reticulated python at around 10 metres) could overpower a Komodo dragon IF – it got in the first strike. Snake reflexes are super-fast – and assuming the python ‘hit’ first, the dragon would be wrapped in the snake’s coils in milliseconds.

Could a Komodo dragon kill a king cobra?

The winner of a fight between a Komodo dragon and a king cobra would probably be the larger animal. Adult Komodo dragons are much larger than adult king cobras, but large king cobras are large enough to kill and eat a juvenile Komodo dragon. King cobras possess very powerful venom.

Who can defeat Komodo dragon?

Anacondas can get a LOT bigger than Komodo dragons — like 29 feet long and 500 pounds compared with 10 feet and 330 pounds — and anacondas have been known to eat the species of toothy, clawed lizards that do live in their native environment.

Can a human fight off a Komodo dragon?

Without our advantage of weapons, we get absolutely rekt. The Komodo dragon has to only get one bite to win, but it can do more than that. If the human wasn’t dumb and stuck around, the venom wouldn’t even be necessary. So yeah, Komodo dragon takes the win.

Will an alligator attack you underwater?

Alligators will only chase humans to defend their territory, and will lose interest as soon as you leave. If an alligator bites you, it will latch on and try to pull you underwater in order to drown you. Don’t try to pry open its jaws, however, as they’re far too strong and they’ll just clamp down harder.

Can a baby alligator bite your finger off?

Baby alligators can also be considered hatchlings as they are hatched from eggs. These little alligators are carefully protected by their Moms, just like you! Baby alligators are less aggressive but if they receive any harm from other animals or human beings then they bite with their little but very sharp teeth.

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