Why did Japan refuse to surrender in ww2?

Why did Japan refuse to surrender in ww2?

It was a war without mercy, and the US Office of War Information acknowledged as much in 1945. It noted that the unwillingness of Allied troops to take prisoners in the Pacific theatre had made it difficult for Japanese soldiers to surrender.

Why did Japan surrender Korea?

Between 1910 and 1945, Japan worked to wipe out Korean culture, language and history. In order to establish control over its new protectorate, the Empire of Japan waged an all-out war on Korean culture. Schools and universities forbade speaking Korean and emphasized manual labor and loyalty to the Emperor.

Why did Korea remain divided after the Korean War quizlet?

They saw the Soviet Union as a greater threat. North Koreans invaded South Korea. Why did Korea remain divided after the Korean War? North and South Korea negotiated a ceasefire but not a peace treaty.

Why did the United States support South Korea after World War II quizlet?

The USA provided military aid to South Korea to prevent another invasion from North Korea in South Korea. China refused to help North Korea in any other wars after April in 1975. They were also aiding North Korea. The U.N.

What was a major difference between the Korean War and the Vietnam War?

The major difference between the Korean War and the Vietnam War would be that the Korean War ended in a stalemate, while the Vietnam War did not.

What came first Korea or Vietnam War?

The war began when the North Korean army invaded across the 38th parallel, the line of division between North Korea and South Korea that had been set after the Japanese occupiers were defeated in World War II. The Vietnam War began in 1954 and ended in 1975, two years after Nixon ordered the withdrawal of US troops.

What were three issues that led to hard feelings?

What were the three issues that led to hard feelings between the Soviet Union and the United States? The Soviet Union signed a treaty with Hitler, the U.S. kept the atomic bomb a secret, and the U.S. took a long time to attack Hitler.

What made the Vietnam War so difficult?

Explanation: Firstly most of the war was fought as a guerrilla war. This is a type of war which conventional forces such as the US army in Vietnam, find notoriously difficult to fight. The Americans, laden down with conventional weapons and uniform were not equipped to fight in the paddy fields and jungles.

Why did American soldiers call Vietnamese Charlie?

Originally Answered: Why did American soldiers call Vietnamese Charlie? During the Vietnam War, US troops had to fight the NVA and Viet Cong. Viet Cong was abbreviated to VC, which in phonetic alphabet is Victor Charlie – which then got shortened to just Charlie.

How do you say the F word in Vietnamese?

đụ/đù – / ɗu˨ / or / ɗu˨˩ / The most popular and generally used vulgar slang in Vietnam. It has the same meaning and intensity with the f-word “f@&k” in English. It is pronounced much as an English speaker would say the word “do”, though more intense accents may make this word sound like “dough”.

Why did they call them Charlie in Vietnam?

It comes from “Việt Nam Cộng-sản”, which just means “Vietnamese Communists”. From here, “Viet Cong” was commonly further shortened to “VC”, which in the NATO phonetic alphabet is pronounced “Victor-Charlie”, which gave rise to the further shortened, “Charlie” designation.

What is Charlie slang for?

Cocaine, a drug sometimes referred to by the street name “Charlie”

What does Victor Charlie mean?

Victor Charlie (English) Charlie (usually uncountable; pl. Charlies) (military slang) An enemy; the Vietcong; short for Victor Charlie.

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