Why did Schachter and Singer 1962 inject many of their participants with epinephrine in their experiment on the two factor theory?
Schachter and Singer’s Experiment All of the participants were told that they were being injected with a new drug to test their eyesight. Participants who had not been informed about the effects of the injection were more likely to feel either happier or angrier than those who had been informed.
What is Stanley Schachter known for?
Schachter was internationally known for his work in social psychology, especially his research into the interaction of social and physiological determinants of behavior. His work has had a major impact on current views of emotion and of disorders such as obesity and nicotine addiction.
What did Schachter conclude?
Schachter concluded based on his findings that there are physiological responses (internal cues) that tell you not to eat when stressed. In the study, non-obese people ate less when stressed.
How was anger measured in Schachter and Singer?
In the anger situation a stooge in a waiting room carried out tasks and made comments designed to annoy the participant. The researchers then made observational measures of emotional response through a one-way mirror, and also took self-report measures from the participants.
How many conditions were created in the Schachter Singer study?
three conditions
How was each factor manipulated in Schachter and Singer?
-In the study, each factor is manipulated. Physiological reactions are manipulated by shots of adrenaline or, as the subjects believe, shots of Suproxin (whether or not the shot was really adrenaline or a placebo does not matter in this case).
What was the sampling technique in Schachter and Singer?
What was the sampling technique of the Schachter and Singer study? Convenience sampling. What was the procedure of the Schachter and Singer study? The participants were told that they were going to be injected with a new vitamin, Suproxin, when really they were injected with adrenaline.
Is the Schachter study a true experiment?
The overall pattern of experimental results of this study and the Schachter and Singer (1962) experiment gives consistent support to a general formulation of emotion as a function of a state of physiological arousal and of an appropriate cognition (p. 127). This claim is false.
What are the key elements of the James Lange theory of emotions?
The James Lange theory of emotion states that emotion is equivalent to the range of physiological arousal caused by external events. The two scientists suggested that for someone to feel emotion, he/she must first experience bodily responses such as increased respiration, increased heart rate, or sweaty hands.