Why does my mouth taste like metal and my stomach hurts?

Why does my mouth taste like metal and my stomach hurts?

It’s characterized by stomach acid or bile flowing up into the food pipe and causing irritation and discomfort. Most patients are familiar with common symptoms of GERD such as nausea, vomiting, belching, and dry cough. It is very common that GERD causes another unpleasant side effect – metallic taste in the mouth.

Why do I feel sick and have a metal taste in my mouth?

A metallic taste can indicate serious illness, such as kidney or liver problems, undiagnosed diabetes or certain cancers. But these reasons are not common and usually are accompanied by other symptoms.

What does it mean when you taste iron?

A metallic taste by itself may be due to poor oral health. When a person has both a metallic taste and fatigue, the possible causes can range from medication side effects to more serious underlying medical problems, such as kidney disease.

What causes metallic taste in mouth and diarrhea?

The symptoms of gastroenteritis usually begin within 24 to 48 hours of infection and may include: Vomiting. Nausea or feeling ill. Metallic taste in the mouth.

Can Stomach problems cause bad taste in mouth?

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or acid reflux may be the source of an unwanted bitter taste in the mouth. These conditions occur when the muscle or sphincter at the top of the stomach becomes weak and allows acid or bile to rise up into the food pipe.

What can be mistaken for liver pain?

Liver pain may be confused with a more general abdominal pain, unless it occurs specifically in the upper right abdomen. Even then, right upper quadrant pain can be due to gallstones, intestinal pain, pancreatitis, or other abdominal disorders.

Does drinking water help a fatty liver?

Drink more water. Simple liver detox remedies can often seem, well, simplistic. But here, the simple truth is that water helps the liver move toxins through its own cellular systems and speed them on their way out of your body.

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