Why Nigeria are suffering from brain drain?

Why Nigeria are suffering from brain drain?

The reasons for Nigeria’s persistent brain drain are not hard to diagnose. A crippled economy, failing infrastructure, porous security, human rights violations, and high unemployment rates are just some of the many reasons young people are bailing out of the country to greener pastures.

What is the reason of brain drain?

Several common causes precipitate brain drain on the geographic level including political instability, poor quality of life, limited access to health care, and a shortage of economic opportunity. These factors prompt skilled and talented workers to leave source countries for places that offer better opportunities.

Why do Indian scientists prefer to settle abroad?

One significant career path taken by those Indians who go abroad is research. First, the best research institutes around the world will be happy to admit them. Second, studying abroad will also give them a chance to work in the research sector of top companies such as Microsoft, Google or Apple.

How can I settle abroad with no money?

10 steps to move overseas with no money

  1. Get on board with finding work abroad.
  2. Find the right work abroad program.
  3. Make the decision.
  4. Tell friends and family you’re moving abroad.
  5. Begin the visa process & figure out housing.
  6. Learn about the logistics of life as a foreigner.
  7. Prepare yourself financially.

Is life better outside India?

There is no place like India to an Indian. Even if you find the quality of life better in some far off land, you will long to return back to India and eventually you will. East or west, India is the Best. a life abroad is worth living only if you earn enough to meet the high cost of living there.

Which country has most Indian students?

The United States of America

Which country is cheapest for study for Indian students?

9 Best Cheapest Countries to Study Abroad

  • Norway. Norway is known for its high-quality education, living standard, and stunning natural beauty.
  • Germany.
  • Switzerland.
  • Denmark.
  • Belgium.
  • Italy.
  • Spain.
  • Poland.

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