Why showing your work is important?

Why showing your work is important?

We have to frequently remind students that doing or showing their work serves a few purposes: 1 – Work helps them process and reflect on the question. They are able to make an informed decision when they select or write their answer. 2 – Work is a historical reference of what the student was thinking at the time.

How do you solve division step by step?

The steps are more or less the same, except for one new addition:

  1. Divide the tens column dividend by the divisor.
  2. Multiply the divisor by the quotient in the tens place column.
  3. Subtract the product from the divisor.
  4. Bring down the dividend in the ones column and repeat.

What are the two digit numbers?

The two digit numbers have nine groups, i.e., 10 to 19, 20 to 29, 30 to 39, 40 to 49, 50 to 59, 60 to 69, 70 to 79, 80 to 89 and 90 to 99. Each group has 10 numbers. The total number of two digit numbers is 90.

How do you divide 4 digit by 2 digit numbers?

To divide a four-digit number by a two-digit number (for example 3654 47), follow these steps:

  1. Place the divisor (47) before the division bracket and place the dividend (3654) under it.
  2. Examine the first two digits of the dividend (36).
  3. Multiply the 7 by 47 and place the result (329) below the 365 of the dividend.

How do you solve one digit division?

Single Digit Division

  1. STEP 1: Put 1728 in the dividend position, and the 6 in place of the divisor.
  2. STEP 2: Take the first digit of the dividend, in this case, 1.
  3. STEP 5: The next step is to bring down the next digit of the dividend, which is the 2.
  4. STEP 6: We repeat step 5 with the next digit of the dividend, which is 8.

How do you find the quotient?

The answer after we divide one number by another. dividend ÷ divisor = quotient. Example: in 12 ÷ 3 = 4, 4 is the quotient.

How do you explain 3 digit division?

Divide the dividend’s first number (which is 3 in our example) by the divisor’s first number (1). 3 divided by 1 is 3. Then, we multiply our divisor (125) by 3 and see that it fits in (in other words, that it’s less than) the dividend’s 3 numbers. So, we place the result underneath the dividend’s 3 digits and subtract.

What is the divide symbol in numbers?


How do you divide a number by 100?

To divide a whole or a decimal number by 100, move the decimal point two places to the left. Note that although a whole number does not have a decimal point, we can always add it at the end of the number. (For example, 35 and 35.

How do you divide big numbers with remainders?

How to do Long Division With Remainders

  1. Set up the division problem with the long division symbol or the long division bracket.
  2. Divide the first number of the dividend, 4 by the divisor, 32.
  3. Put the 0 on top of the division bracket.
  4. Draw a line under the 0 and subtract 0 from 4.

What is the quotient in math?

a quotient is the answer to a division problem. The divisor is the number of parts you divide the dividend by. The dividend is the number you are dividing.

How do you explain a remainder in division?

Properties of Remainder:

  1. When one number divides another number completely, the remainder is 0.
  2. The remainder is always less than the divisor. If the remainder is greater than the divisor, it means that the division is incomplete.
  3. It can be greater than or lesser than the quotient.

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