Why was the song in Glee offensive?

Why was the song in Glee offensive?

This song was known as “offensive” because the song is about being “born again” through each other’s touch. Finn and Rachel used their costumes (priest and a Catholic girl) to make religious references which made it offensive to some students in the class.

Does Glee have any original songs?

Six original tracks were composed for “Original Song”, entitled “Get It Right”, “Loser like Me”, “Hell to the No”, “Trouty Mouth”, “Only Child” and “Big Ass Heart”. The first two songs are featured on the series’ sixth soundtrack album, Glee: The Music, Volume 5.

Why did Rachel Berry leave funny girl?

Because of her feud with Santana, they are kicked out of the band by Kurt in Trio. In Bash, Rachel quits her schooling at NYADA to focus on Funny Girl. In Season Six, it is revealed that her TV show, titled That’s So Rachel, has been cancelled due to very poor ratings after airing its pilot episode.

Does Santana end up playing Fanny?

Much to Rachel’s joy, the review is a positive one which makes Santana and the rest of their friends very happy as well. (Opening Night) When Rachel ends up stuck in Los Angeles after her disastrous audition for a TV pilot, Santana jumps in and takes over as Fanny for Funny Girl.

How old is Rachel Santana?

Rachel Santana is 26 years old.

Is Norman in love with Emma?

Norman confesses his love for Emma to Ray After a disagreement among the trio, Ray questions Norman on why he decided to go along with Emma’s plan despite being the most rational one among them to which Norman responds to loving Emma and wanting to see her happy; vowing to protect her safety even if it jeopardizes his.

Who does Mr Schuester end up with?

Will is the school’s Spanish teacher until Season Three episode The Spanish Teacher, where he takes a job as a history teacher. He is married to Terri Del Monico in Season One, but they divorce after Will finds that Terri has lied to him about being pregnant.

Does Quinn keep her baby?

Quinn decides to put the baby up for adoption, and agrees to give it to Terri Schuester (Jessalyn Gilsig), the wife of glee club director Will Schuester (Matthew Morrison), who is faking a pregnancy.

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