What is Kot in hotel management?
KOT is an abbreviation for Kitchen Order Tickets. It is a note which is forwarded to the kitchen, billing division, and one copy is retained in the system for future reference. The KOT application primarily contains details related to the table number, items ordered, and its quantity.
What is Kot?
KOT. Kitchen Order Ticket (hotel industry)
What is the purpose of Kot?
KOT is prepared by food service personnel to intimate the food order of the guest to the kitchen staff. It helps in serving the right order to the right person. The KOT consists of details such as table number, covers, name of the waiter, date, time, items ordered, and its quantity.
What are different types of Kot?
- RETOUR(return) or EN PLACE KOT.
What is difference between Kot and bot?
Full form of KOT is Kitchen Order Ticket, and BOT is Beverage Order Ticket. It is the form used by senior captain or waiter to take the order of Food or Beverage Items from the guests. First copy goes to the Kitchen or Bar Counter to place the order for Food preparation of Beverage.
What is accident Kot?
ACCIDENT KOT In situations where there is an accident and the dish gets spoilt or partially damaged this KOT is raised for the same dish (freshly prepared) for the kitchen. This KOT also is made on the same KOT slip/ KOT pad however on top of the KOT one needs to mention the word “ACCIDENT KOT”.
What is circumstantial Kot?
KITCHEN ORDER TICKET (KOT) KOT is a written document which is given to the kitchen in exchange of any dish or any item picked up from the kitchen. KOT is prepared by food service personnel to intimate the food order of the guest to the kitchen staff. It helps in serving the right order to the right person.
What is non chargeable Kot?
NC kots are usually made for food or beverage which is served to guest without charge. If its for liquor to be taken from bar – write an fresh kot (NC) mention the liquor item with reference number of food kot. You can keep a separate KOT book – for NC KOT – (manual – KOT book system).
How does Kot control system work?
What are the 4 main types of docket system?
- triplicate docket system.
- electronic billing machines.
- duplicate docket system.
What is order taking method?
It means the server enquires what guests want and passes the order orally to the kitchen staff. The items prepared are served to guests, and either a bill is made or the amount is told verbally to the guests and they pay accordingly.
Why are hotels called checks?
The word “check” originally came from the Greek word “ketasthai” which means it has something to do with chess and I believe that it back in the 1400s and 1700 money was expanded to mean “tokens used to test against loss or theft”. The primary function of the check is to pay. A check is a bill, and a bill is a check.
Why do they say check please?
The phrase “check, please” is an informal way to ask for the bill at a restaurant. The origin of this phrase is unclear, although its first recorded use was in the mid-19th century. This phrase is most commonly used in American English.
Is it called a bill or a check?
In British English, a bill is a piece of paper showing how much money you must pay for a meal in a restaurant. We paid our bill and left. In American English, a piece of paper like this is called a check.
Does Canada use check or Cheque?
For the bank order, the preferred Canadian spelling is cheque, while check is favoured in the United States.
What is bearer Cheque?
Bearer Check: A bearer check does not have the word “bearer” canceled out. This means the check can be made payable to the bearer, i.e., payable to the person or company who presents it to the bank for encashment.
How do you spell paycheck in Canada?
In Canada “paycheque” is pretty much standard and obviously “paycheck” is the way to go in the US. There is of course no “official” style sheet for English, but that doesn’t mean you should just take your pick.
How do you spell grammar in Canada?
The system of rules for modifying the structure of language, however, is always spelled grammar. To use grammer in this context is a misspelling.
How do you spell senior in Canada?
The American usages “sophomore”, “junior” and “senior” are not used in Canadian university terminology, or in speech.