What language is Instagram coded in?

What language is Instagram coded in?


What language is Amazon written in?

Programming languages used in most popular websites

Websites Popularity (unique visitors per month) Back-end (Server-side)
YouTube 1,100,000,000 C, C++, Python, Java, Go
Yahoo 750,000,000 PHP
Amazon 500,000,000 Java, C++, Perl
Wikipedia 475,000,000 PHP

What language is Snapchat written in?


What language is Netflix written in?

Does Apple use Java or Python?

Yes, Apple uses Java.

Is Python losing popularity?

While R has been plateauing over the last few years, and many other languages are on a steady decline, Python’s growth seems unstoppable. Almost 14% of all StackOverflow questions are tagged “python”, and the trend is going up. And there are several reasons for that.

Why is Python 2020?

The primary reason associated with the popularity of Python is, it is a great and easy way to learn to code. It has the feature of quickly writing complicated tasks. Many significant applications only support the Python language. The popularity of the Python language in 2020 will be very high.

Why is Python bad?

The following are some significant disadvantages of using Python. Python is an interpreted language, which means it works with an interpreter, not with a compiler. As a result, it executes relatively slower than C, C++, Java, and many other languages. Python’s structures demand more memory space.

Is Python really slow?

Python is well known to be one of the most useful programming languages. However, some developers continue to claim that although Python is easy to learn because of its syntax and being a dynamically typed language, it is simply too slow.

What is the slowest coding language?

The five slowest languages were all interpreted: Lua, Python, Perl, Ruby and Typescript. And the five languages which consumed the most energy were also interpreted: Perl, Python, Ruby, JRuby, and Lua.

Why use Python if it is so slow?

More Productive. First and foremost reason why Python is much popular because it is highly productive as compared to other programming languages like C++ and Java. For instance, Python programs are slower than Java, but they also take very less time to develop, as Python codes are 3 to 5 times shorter than Java codes.

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