Who wrote the original version of Beauty and the Beast?

Who wrote the original version of Beauty and the Beast?

Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve

What is the origin of beauty and the beast?

The original printed version of Beauty and the Beast is credited to a French writer called Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve. She included it in a 1740 story collection called The Young American or Tales of the Sea. She claimed that a chambermaid told it to a young lady, while on board a ship to America.

Did Disney create Beauty and the Beast?

Walt Disney Feature Animation

What is the original version of Beauty and the Beast?

La Belle et la BĂȘte

What did the fairy tell Belle?

Belle’s story reveals that she is not really a merchant’s daughter but the offspring of a king and a good fairy. The wicked fairy had tried to murder Belle, so she could marry her father the king, and Belle was put in the place of a merchant’s dead daughter to protect her.

Is Belle the prettiest princess?

Belle is the only brunette official Disney Princess. Belle is not only the prettiest, but she is smart, brave, independent, a good role model, loves animals, and has a big heart. She is just as pretty on the inside and has a good lesson to not judge people by the cover, but to see the good in their heart.

Why did Emma Watson play Belle?

“Emma Watson was our first — and really our only — choice for Belle,” director Bill Condon said, “for a lot of reasons: her talent, her beauty, her intelligence.” He also said that the actress is similar to Belle because she is strong and independent.

Did the cast of Beauty and the Beast do their own singing?

Speaking with Collider, the actor revealed that, while the cast recorded every song, they also had the opportunity to sing on set. He said, We pre-recorded every [song], but some of us sang live on set as well, during the takes.

Who plays Gaston’s friend in Beauty and the Beast?

Josh Gad

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