The couple, love and money

The couple, the love and the money. The construction marital economic dimensions of the love relationship, a work of Caroline Henchoz (L’harmattan, coll. “Sociological issues “, 2009) “When one loves, one does not count” is the popular saying. The money is more often regarded as being incompatible with the values of the family sphere, it […]

Sociology of sexuality

Sociology of sexuality, a reprint of the book by Michel Bozon (Armand Colin, Coll ” 128 “, 2009, 2002) Undeniably, it is produced, in the last decades, a profound transformation in the sexual behaviors, in parallel to other transformations in the domain of the family and of the couple. The growth of social science research […]

The ethnography of economic

The ethnography of economic. A book of Caroline Dufy and Florence Weber (Discovery, al. “Repères “, 2007, 122 p.) This work complements that of Philippe Steiner presenting in the same collection the economic sociology. Thus, the economic sociology is more interested in social relations between economic agents with alternative key of reading that those of […]

The practice of art amateur

Lovers, 1996, Olivier Donnat Many clues, starting with the constant increase in applications for registration in the schools of art and music, the show, in fact, for several years, the growing interest that the French have for the artistic activities and the amateur, without any synthesis study has been conducted in France. The question, beyond […]

social class in the globalization

The social classes in the process of globalization. A book by Anne-Catherine Wagner (Discovery, al. “Benchmarks “, October 2007, 117 p.) The categories of classes, structures or social reproduction have become obsolete in the ideological context the current valuation of the fluidity and mobility ? How should we rethink the principles of analysis of social […]

The theatre lovers. A game with multiple scenes

The theatre lovers. A game on several stages. A book of Thomas Morinière (Editions du Croquant, 2007, 222 p, 22€) The theatre lovers is the result of an ethnographic survey carried out by Thomas Morinière in a village located at the outskirts of the town of Cholet, la Séguinière. This joint is the place of […]


Consumption. A book of Dominique Desjeux (Puf, coll. “What do I know ? “, 2006) The book of Dominique Desjeux provides an overview of a domain in the most classic of the social sciences, with an ambition of accessibility and simplicity that is its strength, but also some of its weaknesses : the small size […]

Confidants. A structural analysis of social networks

Confidants. A structural analysis of social networks. A book by Alexis Ferrand (L’harmattan, coll. “Social logic “, 187 p., 18€) In this book, Alexis Ferrand, a specialist in the analysis of social networks, mobilizes this equipment conceptual and methodological approach to study the networks of confidence about sexuality. He has conducted work involving the structural […]

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