Confidants. A structural analysis of social networks

Confidants. A structural analysis of social networks. A book by Alexis Ferrand (L’harmattan, coll. “Social logic “, 187 p., 18€)

In this book, Alexis Ferrand, a specialist in the analysis of social networks, mobilizes this equipment conceptual and methodological approach to study the networks of confidence about sexuality. He has conducted work involving the structural analysis, but with a better understanding of the dynamic and cognitive networks as implemented by the mainstream of the analysis of the networks : the current popularity of anglo-saxon origin considers that the relations constitute a variable sociological explanatory and therefore, have specific effects. Alexis Ferrand showed, on the contrary, from the formation of groups of adolescents, as networks are dynamic entities that can potentially extend to infinity. The purpose for which it mobilizes this concept is not theoretical but meaningful, since it is aware of the behaviors of individuals.

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