What is a Tudor guitar called?

What is a Tudor guitar called? The lute, a type of stringed instrument, was the most popular Tudor musical instrument. It was similar to a modern guitar, and some of them measured 2 metres long. What instrument has 15 strings? dulcimer What instruments were used in Tudor times? The lute, a kind of stringed instrument […]

Is Death Before Dishonor a Marine thing?

Is Death Before Dishonor a Marine thing? But the saying death before dishonor to the Marine Corps means you will die before saying anything that could compromise in any way shape or form your comrades and brothers in arms. If captured you give your name, rank and serial number – nothing else. Is Five Finger […]

How long does speed post take Quora?

How long does speed post take Quora? It will take 2-4 days for a speed post parcel to get delivered, depending on the distance and some other factors as well. It took 2 days when the distance was 1800 km on two occasions. It can take a maximum of 4 days. How long does speed […]

Can I take aspirin at 6 weeks pregnant?

Can I take aspirin at 6 weeks pregnant? The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also recommends avoiding use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) after week 19 of pregnancy, unless your health care provider advises it. Aspirin is a type of NSAID . The concern is that aspirin use could cause rare but serious kidney […]

How can I know if my iPhone is refurbished?

How can I know if my iPhone is refurbished? The first letter in the model name will tell you your iPhone’s status: If the first letter is “M” or “P”, your phone is an original (retail) model. If the first letter is “N”, your phone was refurbished by Apple. If the first letter is “F”, […]

Can I use bread flour for dumplings?

Can I use bread flour for dumplings? – For making dumplings, you want to used dumpling flour, we call it 高筋面粉. If you can not find dumpling flour, you can use bread flour. Just check the protein content before picking a brand (10% is good). You can use all-purpose flour and add 2 eggs and […]

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