What is meant by radioactive fallout?

What is meant by radioactive fallout? Listen to pronunciation. (RAY-dee-oh-AK-tiv…) Airborne radioactive particles that fall to the ground during and after an atomic bombing, nuclear weapons test, or nuclear plant accident. What causes radioactive fallout? Radioactive fallout is radioactive material produced by a nuclear explosion or a nuclear reactor accident that enters the atmosphere and […]

What is the structure of the sperm cell?

What is the structure of the sperm cell? A sperm cell consists of a head, body (mid-section) and a tail. Each of these parts is equipped with various molecules and smaller structure that allow the sperm as a whole to function properly. How is the structure of an egg cell related to its function? The […]

What are humanists main beliefs?

What are humanists main beliefs? Humanists believe that human experience and rational thinking provide the only source of both knowledge and a moral code to live by. Humanism is a democratic and ethical life stance, which affirms that human beings have the right and responsibility to give meaning and shape to their own lives. Do […]

Where is dugong found in the Philippines?

Where is dugong found in the Philippines? Sparse and scattered dugong populations are found near the around the southern and western Mindanao coast, Guimaras Strait and Antique, Aurora, Quezon and the Polillo Island, Tawi-Tawi and the Sulu Archipelago, with the largest population around Palawan Island. Is there dugong in the Philippines? Dugongs used to abound […]

What are the 3 harmful foods to avoid?

What are the 3 harmful foods to avoid? Here are 20 foods that are generally unhealthy — although most people can eat them in moderation on special occasions without any permanent damage to their health. Sugary drinks. Most pizzas. White bread. Most fruit juices. Sweetened breakfast cereals. Fried, grilled, or broiled food. Pastries, cookies, and […]

Can you use flea treatment for head lice?

Can you use flea treatment for head lice? “Most home remedies and alternative treatments are virtually useless in treating head lice – and some are downright dangerous. Do not use pet remedies for fleas, or fly spray. Are cat lice and fleas the same? The Difference Between Fleas and Lice When you look closely at […]

Which best defines the difference between urban and rural?

Which best defines the difference between urban and rural? According to the current delineation, released in 2012 and based on the 2010 decennial census, rural areas comprise open country and settlements with fewer than 2,500 residents. Urban areas comprise larger places and densely settled areas around them. Urban areas do not necessarily follow municipal boundaries. […]

Where should DirecTV dish be placed?

Where should DirecTV dish be placed? The satellite dish needs a clear view of the southern sky, unblocked by trees or buildings. The location could be a roof or balcony, or another location as long as the dish is outside. DIRECTV installation sometimes needs structural modifications. Individual agreements may have restrictions. Where are DirecTV satellites […]

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