What is stateful inspection? Stateful inspection, also known as dynamic packet filtering, is a firewall technology that monitors the state of active connections and uses this information to determine which network packets to allow through the firewall. Stateful inspection has largely replaced an older technology, static packet filtering. What is one advantage of a stateful […]
What drums make up a 5 piece kit?
How do you write a family autobiography?
How do you write a family autobiography? 11 Do’s & Don’ts of Writing Family Biographies Do Begin with an Interesting Story or Detail to Engage The Reader’s Interest. Don’t Use Overly Sentimental Verbiage. Do Use Wider Local and National Historical Context to Bring Your Ancestors’ World to Life. How do I start an autobiography about […]
What is the difference between a Histotechnician and an Histotechnologist?
What is the difference between a Histotechnician and an Histotechnologist? While a Histotechnician is responsible for preparing a small sample of body tissue for examination under a microscope, histotechnologists have additional training in how and why tissues are collected and processed for testing. How do you get certified in histology? In order to become certified […]
Can a saltwater crocodile kill a shark?
Can a saltwater crocodile kill a shark? In Australia, people have witnessed saltwater crocodiles going into the surf to hunt bull sharks. Similarly, a study published earlier this year found that more than half of the freshwater sawfish sampled in Western Australia sported scars inflicted by freshwater crocodiles. Do great white sharks eat crocodiles? Both […]
How long can you live with inoperable lung cancer?
How long can you live with inoperable lung cancer? Life Expectancy for Inoperable Lung Cancer About 20.5% of people who have any kind of lung cancer live at least 5 years after diagnosis. This 5-year survival rate is 24% overall for non-small-cell lung cancer and 6% overall for small-cell lung cancer. How long can you […]
Can Honda CRV be towed behind MotorHome?
Does hospice mean DNR?
Does hospice mean DNR? Medicare-certified hospices do not require a DNR order, since it is understood by the patient and family that the patient will be receiving palliative, not curative, care. Can a patient be full code on hospice? A full-code hospice patient is a hospice patient who chooses to be resuscitated if he or […]
How did Gordon Ramsay become so successful?
How did Gordon Ramsay become so successful? Yet given his famous tenacity, he persevered, and eventually landed a job in a hotel restaurant — where, he says, he learned how not to cook. In 1998, he finally achieved his dream of opening his own restaurant in London, Restaurant Gordon Ramsay, where he earned three Michelin […]