Do Cardinals travel in groups? This tendency sometimes leads cardinals to fly into glass windows, when they charge an “intruding bird” that is really their own reflection. Cardinals are fairly social and join in flocks that may even include birds of other species. During mating season, however, groups dissolve into pairs. Why do cardinals chirp […]
What does Johnny think caused the fire?
What does Johnny think caused the fire? Ponyboy thinks he and Johnny must have started the fire with a cigarette butt, so the boys jump out of the car to examine the blaze. Johnny pushes Ponyboy out of the window, and then Ponyboy hears Johnny scream. Ponyboy starts to go back in for Johnny, but […]
What is the setting of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley?
What is the setting of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley? Much of Frankenstein ‘s story unfolds in Switzerland, the country in central Europe where Mary Shelley was staying when she began writing the novel. The novel’s frame story, narrated by Walton, is set in the Arctic Ocean, where Walton is trying to find a new route […]
What is the purpose of a national park?
What is the purpose of a national park? What are the National Park purposes? The statutory purposes of National Parks are: To conserve and enhance the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage of the National Parks. To promote opportunities for the public understanding and enjoyment of the special qualities of the Parks. Does Kenya have […]
Is a green card proof of residency?
Is a green card proof of residency? The green card and other ways to prove your status as a U.S. resident and immigrant. This stamp serves as temporary evidence of your permanent residence while you are waiting for your green card to be mailed to you. Which Uscis office issued my green card? USCIS Office […]
Can a president run again after 1 term?
Can a president run again after 1 term? The amendment prohibits anyone who has been elected president twice from being elected again. Under the amendment, someone who fills an unexpired presidential term lasting more than two years is also prohibited from being elected president more than once. Who was Grover Cleveland’s parents? Richard Falley ClevelandAnn […]
Is peppercorn and black pepper the same?
Is peppercorn and black pepper the same? When you think of pepper, you likely envision the black variety. In reality, black peppercorns are green peppercorns that have been cooked and dried out. Black pepper is most commonly used as a seasoning or crust that adds a robust spice to some of our favorite foods: meats, […]
Is Janis Orenstein still alive?
Is Janis Orenstein still alive? Deceased (1948–2010) How old is Janis Orenstein? 62 years (1948–2010) Who is the voice of Clarice from Rudolph? Janis Orenstein Who sang tomorrow in Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer? Janet Orenstein Is Rudolph the reindeer male or female? Girls! Science Says Santa’s Reindeer Are Actually All Female. Surprise! Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, […]
How does quality influence productivity?
How does quality influence productivity? Better quality leads the lesser defects due to which the cost of poor quality will be minimum and if the poor quality is minimum , then the unproductive or unexpected (like scrap) will be minimum which further he minimum gives total cost of production . so we get the higher […]
How does variety moderation and balance apply to healthful eating?
How does variety moderation and balance apply to healthful eating? The key to healthy eating is balance, variety and moderation. In short, this means eating a variety of foods without getting too many calories or too much of any one nutrient. This also can mean reducing the amount of sugar and fat in our eating. […]