Did Jackalopes actually exist? The jackalope was a myth throughout the American West for generations, dating back to the trappers who first settled the region in the late 1700s and early 1800s. It has the body of a large rabbit, and spikey antlers reach out from its head. Are Jackalopes endangered? Promoted as endangered, their […]
What kind of association is shown by sea anemone and hermit crab?
What kind of association is shown by sea anemone and hermit crab? Association of Sea anemone and hermit crab is an example of commensalism. Commensalism is the symbiotic relationship between two organisms in which one benefited and another one neither benefited or harmed. What type of symbiotic relationship do sea anemones and clownfish have? Both […]
What does a resistor do?
What does a resistor do? A resistor is a passive two-terminal electrical component that implements electrical resistance as a circuit element. In electronic circuits, resistors are used to reduce current flow, adjust signal levels, to divide voltages, bias active elements, and terminate transmission lines, among other uses. What resistor does DSC use? DSC Zone Wiring. […]
Are Dobsonfly dangerous?
Are Dobsonfly dangerous? Despite their frightening looks and size, these insects are not a danger to people. Dobsonflies only bite when handled roughly, and while the bite is painful, the effects of a bite do not last very long. What small bugs have antennas? Like other species in Apterygota, silverfish are completely wingless. They have […]
Does Congress Control FDA?
Does Congress Control FDA? The federal government is divided into three branches. In the Legislative branch, Congress makes the laws. Then, there is the Executive Branch, which is the President and the federal agencies, such as FDA. Where does the FDA get its authority from? Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act Is the FDA a regulation? […]
How many states are there in the US map?
How many states are there in the US map? Washington DC, the capital of the United States of America, is not a federal state but a federal district. There are 14 territories….The States of the USA on a Map. state Alaska code AK capital Juneau largest city Anchorage nickname of the state The Last Frontier […]
What does Adichie mean by a single story Why does she say it is dangerous to rely on a single story?
What does Adichie mean by a single story Why does she say it is dangerous to rely on a single story? This concept of a single story, Adichie explains, is dangerous because we are given a view that is expressed based on incomplete impressions, making it impossible to completely understand each other. 2. What is […]
Can I switch my earrings after 2 weeks?
Can I switch my earrings after 2 weeks? Changing your earrings after 2 weeks is a big mistake. This will not just completely damage your piercing area but will also increase your healing time. You should wait for at least 8 weeks to have your piercing fully healed. It might infect your ears if you […]
What does the Bible mean by honor?
What does the Bible mean by honor? So, honor is defined as, “showing esteem for one deserving of respect, attention, or obedience.” To honor God is to revere and fear Him. Only the Lord is deserving of such ultimate glory or reverent fear. True honor for God was the basis and model for honoring others, […]
What is the main fruit of Himachal Pradesh?
What is the main fruit of Himachal Pradesh? 1. What is the main fruit of Himachal Pradesh? Apple is a famous or main fruit of Himachal Pradesh. Which fruits are in Himachal Pradesh? Fruits of Himachal Pradesh – Where to Get Them? Kaphal/Kafal. These little wildly occurring berries are maroon and reddish in color which […]