How do you respond to Sava?

How do you respond to Sava?

As with English, French people tend to reply to Ça va? with a positive response – Bien, or Bien, merci – much the same way as we would use fine in English. The following responses are polite enough for a new acquaintance, but general enough for a good friend, too: Très bien, merci. Very well, thank you.

What should I reply to Ca va?

How to respond. The quickest response to “Comment ça va?” is “Ça va bien, et toi?” (“It’s going well, how about you?”). Memorize this question and answer combination because you’ll use it a lot. If you’re not doing well, you can say “Ça va mal” (“It’s not going well”).

How are you in French Sava?

Sa va: The French slang “how are you” “Sa va” is the slang “how are you”. It’s used the same way as “ça va ?” and the only difference is that it’s written wrong since “sa” normally means “her” and has nothing to do with “ça” (even though both are pronounce the same way).

What is ca va bien merci?

Very well thank you.

How do you respond to Bonjour ca va?

So to say “hello, how are you?” in French, simply say bonjour, ça va? or salut, ça va? If someone says this to you, you can respond with ça va bien (“it’s going well”) or tout va bien (“everything’s going well”).

What do you say after Merci beaucoup?

“Merci beacoup” means “thank you very much” so you would say “You’re welcome” back. “De rien” means “You’re welcome”.

How do you say I wish you all the best in French?

Tout le meilleur ! – All the best! Bonne chance !

How do you say all the best in different ways?

18 Ways to Say “All the Best” In a Conversation

  • Good luck.
  • Best of luck.
  • I hope things will turn out fine.
  • You were made for this!
  • You are going to be amazing!
  • You’ll do great!
  • Wishing you all the best.
  • Wishing you lots of luck.

What is the meaning of I Wish You Well?

(formal) hope that somebody/something succeeds or has good luck; hope that somebody/something fails or has bad luck: I wish you well in your new job. ♢ She said she wished nobody ill.

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