How should I use Facebook

With this question we completed the round-table discussion on How to affect social networks in our personal relationships. Without a doubt the social network par excellence is Facebook, so in this last question, we have requesting to the experts who have participated in this roundtable, which we are advised on the correct use of this social network.

What precautions we must take to use Facebook does not harm our daily life?

Antonio Jesus Molina-Fernandez, proyecto hombre: to Integrate it as what it is: a vehicle fantastic communication and social contact that supplements, not replaces, our emotional and social learning. A wonderful tool, not a weapon nor an obsession.

[…] vehicle fantastic communication and social contact that is a complement to, not a substitute […]

Mertxe Pasamontes, psychologist: to Be able to put a boundary between being within the Network and outside. Also be careful with what you share and with whom. And remember that the face to face contact, has a high quality and quality that we can not replace completely in a relationship online.

[…] the face to face contact, has a high quality and quality that we cannot replace […]

Javier Rivera, a sociologist: it Depends on what kind of hazards we can perceive. The main thing is to be clear about the level of privacy with which you move. Look at the terms and conditions and the privacy settings, can be time-consuming, but it is important to be aware of who reads what we write and we go up. Another very practical tip is to not put the real name in full, although it contradicts the terms of use of Facebook, use a nickname or the diminutive, or change a little bit the last name will help to protect our privacy.

It is also important not to add to people without discretion. Although it may appear that having many friends is a sign of popularity, if we add to a lot of people have no idea who can have access to our data.

The important thing is to think what kind of things we want to avoid: do that at work see the pictures of when you go out with friends? If what we care about is the quality of our social life more than our privacy. I think that it is important to tell all your friends the importance, a lot or a little, you give to Facebook. Either in person or by private message, you can say what you don’t like to do (that you tagged, to upload photos of yourself, that you speak in a certain way, etc) and what you like or what you expect them to do (for example, I can comment that for you it is important that you congratulate the birthday, or that will give “I like”). It is better to be clear with them, because, being something new, there are no criteria or social codes about what is important and what is not. For that reason, people do not know what to expect. If you speak to them clearly about “what is for you Facebook” will help avoid misunderstandings. From a point of view totally personal, I think that Facebook, like other social networks, is not a platform to give a lot of importance. In fact it is better to take it as a contacts agenda interactive, as a place where to “be” with your friends.

[…] conditions and the privacy settings, can be time-consuming, but it is important to be aware of who reads what we write and we climb […]

Victor Domingo, Association of internet Users:

  1. The Internet retains every trace of traffic, the information that it carries can be traced.
  2. The Internet is a system of communication used by people: precaution and respect for who is on the other side.
  3. The Internet is like the physical life most of what we believe, please be wary of anything that would make you distrust in the street (for example, the image of a store or the personality of a stranger).
  4. The Internet is information, to know if it is or not useful, if it is true or not, you should always be contrasted. He seeks advice from a trusted adult before acting.
  5. The Internet has everything that you insert in their networks, we must avoid offering too much information about ourselves, and be aware of how easy it is to lose control of it.
  6. The Internet is not illegal, but it can be the showcase in the commission of a crime, be attentive to what comes to you through your networks, and be wary of what you have an uncertain origin.
  7. The Internet is parallel to real life, not others, what happens in it tends to have a direct reflection in the field of personal and physical involved.
  8. The Internet allows you to handle money without the need of touching it, the transactions that you make, which are with permission insurance of the bank that you trust. Wary of money orders that do not go through a banking institution or a state public administration.
  9. The Internet puts at our disposal more data than we can assume and, in the same way that happens in real life, we need to filter that which is left over for personal development full, either with common sense, as so with the aid of technical devices of filtering.
  10. There are laws that punish the illegal activities on the Internet, and there are also laws that protect their users from a bad use of the Internet, especially when it affects his fundamental rights (privacy, secrecy of communications, personal data, freedom of expression, etc). If you are a victim report it.

    Source of this decalogo:

Anna Ortiz

August 11, 2012




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