The behavior of moderation

The behavior of moderation. Dream small or the arrangement of your dreams. A book by Anne Chaté (L’harmattan, coll. “Logiques sociales “, 2007, 153 p)

“Well,” said George, we have a large vegetable garden, and a hutch with rabbits and chickens. And when it will rain, the winter, we will say : the work, we don’t care ; and we will light the fire in the stove, and we sit around, and you will listen to the rain fall on the roof… crap ! “[1] The dream of Lennie and George is it a little dream ? asked Anne Chaté [2] (p. 22) Can we detect here a behavior of moderation ? Lennie and George would be part of those who prefer to set modest expectations ? The challenge of the work of Anne Chaté, is to think “the little dream” (p. 27), “ambitions restricted” (p. 31) , that is to say, to ask the question ” how can we explain the modesty of the ambitions, therefore, that it is not just a blind submission of the individual to the social order or ideology ? “(p. 22), inner Mechanism, the dream is difficult to attain for the sociologist. Those who dream small to go unnoticed to the side of the ambitious, and this attitude is precisely remained unknown to sociologists.

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