Making the most of study on your year abroad

Flying the Warwick nest for your year abroad can seem quite daunting, as you leave behind the networks you have established since your first day on campus. But don’t worry, there are plenty of ways to remain firmly lodged within the Warwick bubble while you’re away!

1. Personal tutors

You will still maintain your personal tutor while you are away. They are there to provide you with any support or signposts you need, and to get to know you as an individual. On your year abroad, this can prove invaluable. Perhaps you would like a reference for a job or work experience; it could be that you need some advice on how to weave your year abroad into a CV or cover letter; or maybe you would like to get ahead, and know what you need to do to prepare for your final year at Warwick when you return.

Personal tutors are a fantastic resource, that you can use as much or as little as you like. When you are on our year abroad, perhaps completely out of your comfort zone, this might just be the time where you access their support more than you have done previously.

2. The library

You will still have access to the plethora of online books and articles that are available through your My Library Account. Not all institutions abroad have this sort of access, so you may find yourself continuing to log into your account to access various things. What’s more, when you’re abroad and perhaps travelling around, having online material is far easier than carrying physical copies.

3. Wellbeing Support Services

Year Abroad Programme is often considered as the ‘best year of your life’, much like the university, in general, can be. It’s not always easy, but as a Warwick student, you don’t need to worry about feeling unsupported.

Warwick’s support network is available to you wherever in the world you are. Whilst the method of accessing support may depend on your location, the same support is available to all. When you are studying abroad, you may continue or begin attending support sessions from Warwick through regular sessions via Skype or phone. It is important, though, to bear in mind that in many instances, it may be appropriate for you to access support locally, either as well as, or instead of Warwick services.

You can contact Wellbeing Support Services for advice about the range of services available and the best way for you to access the most appropriate support for you. If you are overseas, you may be especially interested in making use of the email counselling service.

4. Intercultural Training

World at Warwick is a department at Warwick for inbound and outbound international students. Amongst many other things, they offer an Intercultural Training Course that you can access during your year abroad. You will gain a certificate upon completion and this will appear on your student records.

Delivered through three stages the programme includes access to interactive workshops and online media, helping you to develop your intercultural competence before, during and after your experience abroad.

5. OLS Language Course

Online Linguistic Support is available for free so anybody can improve their language skills. However, if you are an Erasmus student you may be able to access an enhanced version of this support that includes language tests at the beginning and end of your mobility, as well as a bespoke online training course throughout. These licenses are available through the Study Abroad office at Warwick, and you should inquire about obtaining a license with them.

All in all, you will remain part of the Warwick family whilst you are abroad. There are plenty of ways to remain firmly lodged in the bubble, and it’s up to you as to how you would like to make use of the resources on offer.

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