Warwick in Africa

The Holiday Season is all about giving, so this is the ideal time to recognise Warwick’s incredible projects that are making an impact on our students and the wider community. One example is Warwick in Africa… It is the end of term, and also the end of another hugely successful student telephone fundraising campaign at […]

Beyond academic writing

If you’re a Postgraduate Student at Warwick, you’re probably familiar with the woes and delights of academic writing, but there are other writing opportunities at the University of Warwick that you may be interested in exploring… During Welcome Week, the Library hosted a Creative and Blogging Workshop in support of the PG Community Engagement Team […]

Library round-up

The Library can seem like an overwhelmingly large, complicated collection of books, journals and online resources (and occasionally, dogs), especially in Term 1 when the building is full of new people. Perhaps that’s why so many people ask questions about how many visitors or books the Library has… At the Library, we try to keep […]

Reading Lists at a glance

By this point in the term you should be well underway with your module reading and hopefully enjoying the benefits of the Library’s Reading List system. But have you ever wondered what’s involved in preparing the lists for you? The Library’s Reading List team will take you through what happens… By Lizzie Morrison   An […]

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