Revising for multiple exams: tips & techniques

Managing exams can be hard enough without the added pressure of having multiple topics to absorb within a short time frame, especially if you didn’t start revising until recently… So you have several exams coming up, each with their own weight of knowledge to be understood and committed to memory. Overwhelming? Definitely. So what can […]

Mindfulness: the Student Edition

Yet another hipster fad? We beg to differ. Read more on how mindfulness practice can improve wellbeing and academic performance… What’s all the hype about? Mindfulness has recently gained popularity, but it existed long before magazines and colouring books. The mindfulness was initially grounded in Buddhism, but its secular form was embraced by clinical psychology […]

3 Easy ways to prepare ahead for revision

Writing out equations on your shower window? Spelling out key-terms in your alphabetti spaghetti? Looks like you need some help with preparing for revision I’ll be the first to say it: exams are horrible, stressful and downright detestable. However, they’re pretty compulsory for, y’know, a degree. But not to worry, I’m here to offer you […]

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